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Star Citizen | Alpha 3.23 9125941 Data Mining

In this post we indicate all the information retrieved from the Star Citizen files of Patch 3.23.0. 9125941

Keys Added for @hud:

  • @hud_mining_modifier_cluster_factor=Cluster Factor (~ItemModifierMethod(value)%)

Keys Added for Advocacy:

  • Advocacy_RepUI_Area=UEE
  • Advocacy_RepUI_Description=he Advocacy is an inter-system police force overseeing law enforcement in the UEE. Advocacy agents are authorized pursue crimes across jurisdictions within the empire, and often coordinate large scale investigations targeting some of Humanity’s worst offenders.
  • Advocacy_RepUI_Focus=Policing
  • Advocacy_RepUI_Founded=2523
  • Advocacy_RepUI_Headquarters=New York, Earth, Sol System
  • Advocacy_RepUI_Leadership=Thomas D. Carmody, Director
  • Advocacy_RepUI_Name=UEE Advocacy

Keys Added for ArcCorp:

  • ArcCorp_RepUI_Area=Stanton III
  • ArcCorp_RepUI_Description=ArcCorp was previously known as the manufacturer of immensely popular quantum drives and thrusters, however, since their purchase of Stanton III from the UEE, their dedication to the creation of a privately-owned manufacturing world has overshadowed the company’s other accomplishments.
  • ArcCorp_RepUI_Focus=Ship Components
  • ArcCorp_RepUI_Founded=2687
  • ArcCorp_RepUI_Headquarters=Area01, ArcCorp
  • ArcCorp_RepUI_Leadership=Bert Astacio, CEO
  • ArcCorp_RepUI_Name=ArcCorp

Keys Added for area:

  • area_name_cargo,P=Cargo
  • area_name_clinic,P=Clinic
  • area_name_fdcrt_bar,P=Bar
  • area_name_fdcrt_ellroys,P=Ellroys
  • area_name_fdcrt_gen_sml_brt,P=Burritos
  • area_name_fdcrt_gen_sml_htdg,P=Hot Dogs
  • area_name_fdcrt_gen_sml_jce,P=Juice
  • area_name_fdcrt_gen_sml_ndle_a,P=Noodles
  • area_name_fdcrt_gen_sml_ndle_b,P=Noodles
  • area_name_fdcrt_gen_sml_pza,P=Pizza
  • area_name_hab_flr_001,P=First Floor
  • area_name_hab_flr_002,P=Second Floor
  • area_name_hab_flr_003,P=Third Floor
  • area_name_hab_flr_004,P=Fourth Floor
  • area_name_hab_flr_005,P=Fifth Floor
  • area_name_hab_flr_006,P=Sixth Floor
  • area_name_hab_flr_007,P=Seventh Floor
  • area_name_hab_flr_008,P=Eight Floor
  • area_name_hab_flr_009,P=Nine Floor
  • area_name_hab_flr_010,P=Tenth Floor
  • area_name_hab_flr_011,P=Eleventh Floor
  • area_name_hab_flr_012,P=Twelfth Floor
  • area_name_hab_flr_013,P=Thirteenth Floor
  • area_name_hab_flr_014,P=Fourteenth Floor
  • area_name_hab_flr_015,P=Fifteenth Floor
  • area_name_hab_transit,P=Hab Transit
  • area_name_habs,P=Habitation
  • area_name_refinery,P=Refinery Deck
  • area_name_ser_pltnm_bay_sml_c,P=Platinum Bay
  • area_name_shop_admin,P=Administration
  • area_name_shop_armor_gen_sml_a,P=Armor Shop
  • area_name_shop_armor_gen_sml_b,P=Armor Shop
  • area_name_shop_casaba,P=Casaba Outlet
  • area_name_shop_clth_gen_sml,P=Clothes
  • area_name_shop_med_a,P=Medical Shop
  • area_name_shop_prsnl_wpn_sml_c,P=Live Fire Weapons
  • area_name_shop_refin_admin_lge_001,P=Refinery Admin
  • area_name_shop_ship_wpn_gen_sml_a,P=Ship Weapons
  • area_name_viewroom,P=View Room

Keys Added for cfp:

  • cfp_defend-criminals_desc_001=~Mission(location|address) is under threat of attack by outlaws and has asked for assistance. We need someone to protect them and drive away the outlaws. \n\nMake sure you stay close after their initial attack. Too often, outlaws win fights just by sending more bodies than anyone can reasonably defend against, so make sure you fight off any reinforcements before leaving the area. \n\nLima Endicott\nLead Dispatcher\nCitizens for Pyro
  • cfp_defend-criminals_desc_002=The people at ~mission(location|address) have been regularly targeted by raiders who steal their supplies and are expecting another attack at any moment.\n\nThe survivors there are tough and committed, but they’re not equipped to defend themselves, so we’ve volunteered to help deal with these outlaws. When the raiders realize the outpost is being defended, they’re sure to send in even more of their forces, so you should recruit some help to fend off the waves of attackers\n.\nLima Endicott\nLead Dispatcher\nCitizens for Pyro
  • cfp_defend-criminals_desc_003=We’ve gotten a tip that ~mission(location|address) is about to be attacked by a vicious gang. The locals won’t stand a chance of defending themselves against a threat like this, so they’ve reached out to us for help.\n\nThis isn’t going to be some small raid. It sounds like this gang is going to launch an all-out attack on the outpost. If you can help, you’ll want to make sure you’ve got allies with you to hold off the reinforcements the gang will send once you fight off their initial assault.\n\nI know this is a dangerous request, but please, we need help. We can’t leave these people to suffer when they need us the most.\n\nLima Endicott\nLead Dispatcher\nCitizens for Pyro
  • cfp_defend-criminals_title_001=Defend ~mission(Location) from Outlaws
  • cfp_defend-criminals_title_002=Defend ~mission(Location) from Dangerous Criminals
  • cfp_defend-criminals_title_003=Defend ~mission(Location) from Gang Assault
  • cfp_defend-xenothreat_desc_001=We’ve learned that XenoThreat is about to launch an attack on ~mission(location|address). If they are successful, the number of casualties is expected to be high. I’m hoping that with your aid in defending them, we can make sure that doesn’t happen.\n \nWe know from past encounters that XenoThreat sends several raiding parties to carry out their attacks, so make sure you don’t leave the outpost until you’ve fought off all the reinforcements. \n\nLima Endicott\nLead Dispatcher\nCitizens for Pyro
  • cfp_defend-xenothreat_desc_002=Urgent!\n\nXenoThreat is targeting ~mission(location|address) to send a message to other settlers about what happens if they accept our support. \n\nIf you’re able to fend them off, I’m sure they’ll send additional forces, so you’ll need to dig in for multiple assaults. Since XenoThreat has a lot of resources at their disposal, you should think about recruiting others to help you keep everyone safe.\n\nWe’re all counting on you.\n\nLima Endicott\nLead Dispatcher\nCitizens for Pyro
  • cfp_defend-xenothreat_desc_003=Urgent!\n\nXenoThreat is mobilizing for a massive incursion to wipe ~mission(location|address) off the map. You’re their only hope of enduring this assault and protecting them from XenoThreat’s cruelty.\n\nI know I’m asking you to put yourself in the line of fire, but Pyro won’t change unless people like you are brave enough to take on these dangers. No amount of credits could measure up to how much good you’d be doing by stepping in.\n\nIf you’re willing and able to take on this mission, make sure to take some allies with you. XenoThreat will certainly send in stronger reinforcements once they realize they’re taking losses.\n\nWe believe in you.\n\nLima Endicott\nLead Dispatcher\nCitizens for Pyro
  • cfp_defend-xenothreat_title_001=Protect ~mission(Location) from XenoThreat Attack
  • cfp_defend-xenothreat_title_002=Protect ~mission(Location) from XenoThreat Raid
  • cfp_defend-xenothreat_title_003=Protect ~mission(Location) from XenoThreat Incursion

Keys Added for CharacterCustomizer:

  • CharacterCustomizer_Randomize,P=Randomize
  • CharacterCustomizer_RandomizeAll,P=RandomizeAll
  • CharacterCustomizer_Redo,P=Redo
  • CharacterCustomizer_Reset,P=Reset
  • CharacterCustomizer_Undo,P=Undo

Keys Added for ClovusDarneely:

  • ClovusDarneely_RepUI_Area=Hurston
  • ClovusDarneely_RepUI_Description=Clovus Darneely is a clerk at Reclamation & Disposal, Lorville’s main salvage yard, with a reputation for being able to procure hard to find items.
  • ClovusDarneely_RepUI_Focus=Smuggling, Salvage
  • ClovusDarneely_RepUI_Founded=N/A
  • ClovusDarneely_RepUI_Headquarters=Lorville, Hurston, Stanton System
  • ClovusDarneely_RepUI_Leadership=N/A
  • ClovusDarneely_RepUI_Name=Clovus Darneely

Keys Added for Crusader:

  • Crusader_RepUI_Area=Stanton II, UEE
  • Crusader_RepUI_Description=Makers of an extensive fleet of cutting edge vehicles, Crusader Industries is a titan of the aerospace industry. The prominent company purchased a gas giant in the Stanton system to house its current headquarters and is striving to expand its already prolific profile of ships while dedicating itself to numerous charitable works.
  • Crusader_RepUI_Focus=Vehicle Manufacturing
  • Crusader_RepUI_Founded=2799
  • Crusader_RepUI_Headquarters=Orison, Crusader, Stanton System
  • Crusader_RepUI_Leadership=Kelly Caplan, CEO
  • Crusader_RepUI_Name=Crusader Industries

Keys Added for Debug:

  • Debug_Text_MissionGiver,P=WIP Some Mission Giver
  • Debug_Text_SellItem_Desc,P=WIP Sell Item Description
  • Debug_Text_SellItem_Obj_01_Long,P=WIP Sell item at the marked location
  • Debug_Text_SellItem_Obj_01_Short,P=WIP Sell Item
  • Debug_Text_SellItem_Title,P=WIP Sell Item Title
  • Debug_Text_TravelObjective_Obj_01_Long,P=WIP Go to the Location
  • Debug_Text_TravelObjective_Obj_01_Short,P=WIP Go to Location

Keys Added for destroyitemsspace:

  • destroyitemsspace_FailReason=Targets destroyed by another contractor.
  • destroyitemsspace_destroy_HUD_0=~mission(target)’s Destroyed %ls
  • destroyitemsspace_destroy_Marker_0=~mission(target)
  • destroyitemsspace_destroy_long_01=Destroy the ~mission(target).
  • destroyitemsspace_destroy_short_01=Destroy ~mission(target)
  • destroyitemsspace_detect_HUD_01,P=
  • destroyitemsspace_detect_HUD_02=~mission(target)’s Found %ls
  • destroyitemsspace_detect_long=Scan the area and find the ~mission(target).
  • destroyitemsspace_detect_short=Scan for ~mission(target)
  • destroyitemsspace_reach_HUD_01,P=
  • destroyitemsspace_reach_Marker_01=~mission(Location)
  • destroyitemsspace_reach_long_01=Go to ~mission(location|address) to find the ~mission(target).
  • destroyitemsspace_reach_short_01=Go to ~mission(Location)

Keys Added for dfm:

  • dfm_ui_Critical_BecameAce,P=%s BECAME AN ACE
  • dfm_ui_Critical_OnFinalKill,P=%s ON FINAL KILL

Keys Added for DistributionCenter:

  • DistributionCenter_desc_Covalex_shared=One of many distribution centres that belong to the vast Covalex shipping network, and a key stop in getting your cargo safely to its final destination.
  • DistributionCenter_desc_CryAstro_shared=This processing plant is a vital part of Cry-Astro’s fuel network, helping to fuel your future.
  • DistributionCenter_desc_Greycat_shared=At this production complex, skilled Greycat Industrial workers strive to produce the top-of-the-line products that are used by billions across numerous industrial specializations.
  • DistributionCenter_desc_Hurst_shared=This Hurston Dynamics Production Center is for authorized personnel and affiliates only.
  • DistributionCenter_desc_Sakura_shared=Working to make each day better, this workcenter and its employees are proud to be part of the Sakura Sun family.
  • DistributionCenter_desc_microTech_shared=microTech uses depots like this location to support their large catalogue of consumer electronics.

Keys Added for Dusters:

  • Dusters_RepUI_Area=Stanton System
  • Dusters_RepUI_Description=A criminal gang based in the Stanton System specializing in mining related crimes such as robbing miners and illegally operating on other people’s claims.
  • Dusters_RepUI_Focus=Piracy, Mining
  • Dusters_RepUI_Founded=2936
  • Dusters_RepUI_Headquarters=N/A
  • Dusters_RepUI_Leadership=Flynn “Dusty” Mathis, Founder
  • Dusters_RepUI_Name=Dusters

Keys Added for ea:

  • ea_popup_body_ModeDisclaimer_Resource,P=< PLACEHOLDER >
  • ea_ui_frontend_error_InvalidPermissions=User has insufficient permissions to join this game session.
  • ea_ui_frontend_error_UnauthorizedAccess=User is not unauthorized to join this game session.
  • ea_ui_frontend_filter_MultiCrew=MultiCrew
  • ea_ui_mode_FreeFlight_RN,P=Engineering: Free Flight
  • ea_ui_mode_GravRoyale=Grav Royale
  • ea_ui_mode_SquadronBattle_RN=Engineering: Squadron Battle
  • ea_ui_mode_SquadronBattle_RN_Duel=Engineering: Duel
  • ea_ui_modedesc_FreeFlight_RN,P=Everything you love about Free Flight, but with Resource Network enabled ships instead.
  • ea_ui_modedesc_GravRoyale=Prepare to go head-to-head in this all out grav-lev battle, where pilots who’ve reached the target score can claim victory with a final kill.
  • ea_ui_modedesc_SquadronBattle_RN,P=Two teams battle it out with one team in their own Resource Network enabled A2 Hercules and the other in Resource Network enabled Gladius’.
  • ea_ui_modedesc_SquadronBattle_RN_Duel=Two teams battle it out with each in their own Resource Network enabled A2 Hercules.
  • ea_ui_msg_gungame_ArmorDown=Armor Class Decreased
  • ea_ui_msg_gungame_ArmorUp=Armor Class Increased
  • ea_ui_scoring_CompletedLap=Lap Completed

Keys Added for EckhartSecurity:

  • EckhartSecurity_RepUI_Area=UEE
  • EckhartSecurity_RepUI_Description=Founded by Army veteran Miles Eckhart, Eckhart Security offers a wide variety of mercenary services across multiple systems – from security escorts, to defensive outpost deployments, to theft pevention and recovery. With over two decades of experience, Eckhart Security has earned itself a reputation for taking on the jobs that other security firms would shy away from.
  • EckhartSecurity_RepUI_Focus=Private Security Firm
  • EckhartSecurity_RepUI_Founded=2929
  • EckhartSecurity_RepUI_Headquarters=Lorville, Hurston, Stanton System
  • EckhartSecurity_RepUI_Leadership=Miles Eckhart, CEO
  • EckhartSecurity_RepUI_Name=Eckhart Security

Keys Added for engineering:

  • engineering_ui_ItemState_Boot,P=Booting
  • engineering_ui_ItemState_Firing,P=Firing
  • engineering_ui_ItemState_Idle,P=Idle
  • engineering_ui_Item_Batteries,P=Batteries
  • engineering_ui_Item_Fuses,P=Fuses
  • engineering_ui_Item_Health,P=Health
  • engineering_ui_Item_Output,P=Output
  • engineering_ui_Item_Scrubbers,P=Scrubbers
  • engineering_ui_Item_Wear,P=Wear
  • engineering_ui_button_cycle,P=Cycle
  • engineering_ui_button_filling,P=Filling…
  • engineering_ui_button_venting,P=Venting…
  • engineering_ui_filter_connections,P=Connections
  • engineering_ui_filter_network,P=Network
  • engineering_ui_filter_rooms,P=Rooms
  • engineering_ui_filter_thrusters,P=Thrusters
  • engineering_ui_filter_vehicle,P=Vehicle
  • engineering_ui_malfunction_none,P=No Fault
  • engineering_ui_relay_large,P=Large Relay
  • engineering_ui_relay_small,P=Small Relay
  • engineering_ui_resource_Ammo,P=Ammo
  • engineering_ui_resource_CO2,P=CO2
  • engineering_ui_resource_Consumer,P=Consumer
  • engineering_ui_resource_Hydrogen,P=HYD
  • engineering_ui_resource_Nitrogen,P=N
  • engineering_ui_resource_Oxygen,P=O2
  • engineering_ui_resource_Produced,P=Produced
  • engineering_ui_resource_Producer,P=Producer
  • engineering_ui_resource_Quantum,P=QUA
  • engineering_ui_resource_Received,P=Received
  • engineering_ui_resource_Storage,P=Storage
  • engineering_ui_tab_legend,P=Legend
  • engineering_ui_tab_notifications,P=Notifications
  • engineering_ui_tab_power,P=Power
  • engineering_ui_tab_storage,P=Storage
  • engineering_ui_unit_gravity,P=G
  • engineering_ui_unit_power,P=kW
  • engineering_ui_unit_pressure,P=ATM
  • engineering_ui_unit_temperature,P=°

Keys Added for FreightElevator:

  • FreightElevator_1SCU,P=1 SCU
  • FreightElevator_1SCU_Container,P=1 SCU Container
  • FreightElevator_4SCU,P=4 SCU
  • FreightElevator_8SCU,P=8 SCU
  • FreightElevator_AutoArrange,P=Auto Arrange
  • FreightElevator_ClearAll,P=Clear Filters
  • FreightElevator_ContractOrderDescription,P=Mission will be completed upon lowering the platform.
  • FreightElevator_ContractOrderPayout,P=You will receive
  • FreightElevator_DeliverToWarehouse,P=Deliver To Warehouse
  • FreightElevator_EmptyAllContainers,P=Empty All Containers
  • FreightElevator_ExtendPlatformView,P=Extend Platform
  • FreightElevator_ExtendWarehouseView,P=Extend Warehouse
  • FreightElevator_FilledWithContainers,P=Filled with containers
  • FreightElevator_FreightPlatform,P=Freight Platform
  • FreightElevator_HangarService,P=Hangar Service
  • FreightElevator_InWarehouse,P=In Warehouse
  • FreightElevator_ItemStats,P=Item Stats
  • FreightElevator_MainTitle,P=Cargo
  • FreightElevator_OnPlatform,P=On Platform
  • FreightElevator_PendingCargoSellOrder,P=Contract Orders
  • FreightElevator_Platform,P=Platform
  • FreightElevator_PlatformInventory,P=Platform Item List
  • FreightElevator_PlatformObstructed,P=Alert! Platform Obstructed
  • FreightElevator_RemainingSpace,P=Remaining Space After Transfer
  • FreightElevator_SelectAll,P=Select All
  • FreightElevator_SendToPlatform,P=Send To Platform
  • FreightElevator_SendToWarehouse,P=Send To Warehouse
  • FreightElevator_Sort_A-Z,P=A – Z
  • FreightElevator_Sort_Added,P=Added
  • FreightElevator_Sort_First-Last,P=First – Last
  • FreightElevator_Sort_Largest-Smallest,P=Largest – Smallest
  • FreightElevator_Sort_Last-First,P=Last – First
  • FreightElevator_Sort_Name,P=Name
  • FreightElevator_Sort_Size,P=Size – SCU Value
  • FreightElevator_Sort_Smallest-Largest,P=Smallest – Largest
  • FreightElevator_Sort_Z-A,P=Z – A
  • FreightElevator_TotalOwnedAtLocation,P=Total Owned at Location
  • FreightElevator_UnselectAll,P=Unselect All
  • FreightElevator_UseElevator,P=Request Platform
  • FreightElevator_UserName,P=User Name
  • FreightElevator_ViewControl_Pan,P=Pan
  • FreightElevator_ViewControl_ResetView,P=Reset View
  • FreightElevator_Warehouse,P=Warehouse

Keys Added for frontend:

  • frontend_IUnderstand=I Understand
  • frontend_PlayTutorialDescription_Generic=Before starting your adventure in Star Citizen, learn the basics of playing the game.\n\nPlaying through the Tutorial will set your Primary Residence to your selected starting location. You will also be unable to access your purchased ships until you have completed the Tutorial.\n\nEstimated Duration: 30m

Keys Added for Frontend:

  • Frontend_Popup_PermanentSuspension_CodeOfConduct=Code of conduct:
  • Frontend_Popup_PermanentSuspension_CodeOfConductURL=
  • Frontend_Popup_PermanentSuspension_EA_Message=Due to gameplay violations confirmed by Cloud Imperium Games, your access to the Arena Commander online game modes have been permanently suspended.
  • Frontend_Popup_PermanentSuspension_PU_Message=Due to gameplay violations confirmed by Cloud Imperium Games, your access to the Persistent Universe game mode has been permanently suspended.
  • Frontend_Popup_PermanentSuspension_Title=Permanent Suspension
  • Frontend_Popup_TemporarySuspension_AccessWillBeRestoredAt=Your access will be restored in
  • Frontend_Popup_TemporarySuspension_CodeOfConduct=Code of conduct:
  • Frontend_Popup_TemporarySuspension_CodeOfConductURL=
  • Frontend_Popup_TemporarySuspension_EA_Message=Due to gameplay violations confirmed by Cloud Imperium Games, your access to the Arena Commander game mode has been temporarily suspended.
  • Frontend_Popup_TemporarySuspension_PU_Message=Due to gameplay violations confirmed by Cloud Imperium Games, your access to the Persistent Universe game mode has been temporarily suspended.
  • Frontend_Popup_TemporarySuspension_Title=Temporary Suspension

Keys Added for hud:

  • hud_ActiveGroup,P=Active Group
  • hud_Communications=Communications
  • hud_Configuration=Configuration
  • hud_Cool,P=COOL
  • hud_Diagnostics=Diagnostics
  • hud_GMB=GMB
  • hud_GimbalMode=Gimbal Mode
  • hud_Hit=HIT
  • hud_IFCS=IFCS
  • hud_Invalid=Invalid
  • hud_Mode=Mode
  • hud_RNG=RNG
  • hud_ResourceNetwork=Resource Network
  • hud_ScanningInfo,P=Scanning Info
  • hud_SelfStatus=Self Status
  • hud_Switching=Switching To
  • hud_TRG=TRG
  • hud_TargetStatus=Target Status
  • hud_Vel_Limit,P=VEL LIM
  • hud_centering_indicator=Centering
  • hud_chat_ViewInMobiglas=View in MobiGlas
  • hud_gimbal_mode_full_ads_fixed=Fixed – Precision
  • hud_gimbal_mode_full_ads_manual=Manual – Precision
  • hud_gimbal_mode_full_auto=Auto
  • hud_gimbal_mode_full_fixed=Fixed
  • hud_gimbal_mode_full_manual=Manual
  • hud_gimbal_mode_short_ads_fixed=FXD-PRE
  • hud_gimbal_mode_short_ads_manual=MAN-PRE
  • hud_gimbal_mode_short_auto=AUTO
  • hud_gimbal_mode_short_fixed=FXD
  • hud_gimbal_mode_short_manual=MAN
  • hud_vehicle_weapon_preset_emps=EMPs
  • hud_vehicle_weapon_preset_guns=Guns
  • hud_vehicle_weapon_preset_guns_all=Guns (all)
  • hud_vehicle_weapon_preset_quantum_interdictors=QIs

Keys Added for Hurston:

  • Hurston_RepUI_Area=Stanton I, UEE
  • Hurston_RepUI_Description=With a history stretching back over five hundred years, Hurston Dynamics is noteworthy for being not only one of the oldest continuously-operated family businesses in the Empire, but more recently for owning its own planet in the Stanton system. Over the course of fifteen generations of Hurstons, the company made its fortune selling a wide range of weapons to the military and civilians. In addition, Hurston Dynamics produces many of the refined materials and components that other weapon manufacturers rely on.
  • Hurston_RepUI_Focus=Arms Manufacturing
  • Hurston_RepUI_Founded=2438
  • Hurston_RepUI_Headquarters=Lorville, Hurston, Stanton System
  • Hurston_RepUI_Leadership=Gavin E. Hurston, CEO
  • Hurston_RepUI_Name=Hurston Dynamics

Keys Added for input:

  • input_key_keyboard_bulletpoint,P=•
  • input_key_keyboard_colon2,P=:
  • input_key_keyboard_space_short=Space

Keys Added for item:

  • item_DescFlair_Coin_1_p=Celebrate the diversity of our universe with this special coin commissioned for the 2954 anniversary of First Contact Day. One side of the coin features “First Contact” written in Xi’an while the opposing side displays the same escribed in Banu.
  • item_DescFlair_Coin_1_q=This 2954 Foundation Festival coin honors those volunteers who endeavor to strengthen their community through charitable acts and features the program’s distinct winged torch logo.
  • item_DescFlair_XiAn_Stone_1=Half toy and half meditation device, this small trinket showcases the Xi’an’s mastery of gravity and is meant to inspire the user to contemplate the forces that bind us together.
  • item_DescSTOR_opencontainer_1_8_SCU=Designed by one of the most trusted names in cargo pods, the Stor*All Storage Box provides a convenient place to keep any small items. Its durable impact-resistant construction is sealed to survive the vacuum of space.
  • item_Desc_MYM_shirt_02_01_imperator,P=A casual and comfortable grey long sleeve shirt that looks good whether you’re out and about or just lounging at home. MuyMuy’s exclusive Pathfinder edition of the Atavi steps up the style by including striking silver sleeves.
  • item_Desc_alb_jacket_04_01_01=Carrying Capacity: 400 µSCU\n\nThe heavy-duty Loscha Work Vest by Alejo Brothers is designed for people who want to be prepared for anything at any time.
  • item_Desc_alb_jacket_05_01_04=The durable Marshal sleeveless vest by Alejo Brothers is made to endure life on the frontier while distinct stylings like shoulder straps, bold cross-chest placket, and a high-collar make sure the wearer stands out on any far flung world.
  • item_Desc_alb_jacket_05_01_16=The durable Marshal sleeveless vest by Alejo Brothers is made to endure life on the frontier while distinct stylings like shoulder straps, bold cross-chest placket, and a high-collar make sure the wearer stands out on any far flung world.
  • item_Desc_alb_jacket_05_01_18=The durable Marshal sleeveless vest by Alejo Brothers is made to endure life on the frontier while distinct stylings like shoulder straps, bold cross-chest placket, and a high-collar make sure the wearer stands out on any far flung world.
  • item_Desc_alb_jacket_05_01_20=The durable Marshal sleeveless vest by Alejo Brothers is made to endure life on the frontier while distinct stylings like shoulder straps, bold cross-chest placket, and a high-collar make sure the wearer stands out on any far flung world.
  • item_Desc_alb_pants_02_01_01=Carrying Capacity: 400 µSCU\n\nThe popular Slickdry Waders by Alejo Brothers are a combination of pants and boots made of a synthetic hydrophobic material and ensure the wearer will stay dry even if just stepping out of a river.
  • item_Desc_alb_shirt_05=The rugged Amaris Shirt is a breathable long-sleeve shirt reinforced by raised fabric on the shoulders to create an elegant but industrial look.
  • item_Desc_alb_shirt_06=Habidash’s Cassidy short-sleeved henley t-shirt features a lightweight, breathable fabric blend paired with a neck covering and separated arm sleeves for a stylish look that remains practical in dustier climates.
  • item_Desc_cbd_hat_03_ArcCorp_01=An olive and gray cadet hat with ArcCorp’s name and logo emblazoned across the front panel.
  • item_Desc_cbd_hat_03_Cry-Astro_01=A blue and black cadet hat with Cry-Astro’s name and logo emblazoned across the front panel.
  • item_Desc_cbd_hat_03_Microtech_01=A blue, green, and gray cadet hat with microTech’s name and logo emblazoned across the front panel.
  • item_Desc_cbd_hat_03_SakuraSun_01=A purple and pink cadet hat with Sakura Sun’s name and logo emblazoned across the front panel.
  • item_Desc_cbd_hat_03_crusader_01=A blue, navy, and white cadet hat with Crusader Industries’ name and logo emblazoned across the front panel.
  • item_Desc_cbd_hat_03_drake_03=Embody the boldness of Drake Interplanetary by wearing this black hat with the company’s name in strong red lettering.
  • item_Desc_cbd_hat_03_hd_01=A brown and gray cadet hat with Hurston Dynamics’ name and logo emblazoned across the front panel.
  • item_Desc_cbd_hat_03_tumbril_01=Tumbril Land Systems made this hat to celebrate the release of their legendary Nova tank to the civilian market.
  • item_Desc_cds_armor_heavy_arms_02_01_01=Item Type: Heavy Armor\nDamage Reduction: 40%\nTemp. Rating: -70 / 100 °C\n\nBased on CDS’ ADP-mk4 heavy combat armor, this set has been modified from its original form. When there’s a difficult job at hand, you want to ensure that you can see it through to the end. This armor allows Marines to remain in active combat situations for a longer duration with more loadout options, while its powered frame provides near unfettered movement despite the protection it offers.
  • item_Desc_cds_armor_heavy_core_02_01_01=Item Type: Heavy Armor\nDamage Reduction: 40%\nCarrying Capacity: 10.5k µSCU\nTemp. Rating: -70 / 100 °C\nBackpack Compatibility: All\n\nBased on CDS’ ADP-mk4 heavy combat armor, this set has been modified from its original form. When there’s a difficult job at hand, you want to ensure that you can see it through to the end. This armor allows Marines to remain in active combat situations for a longer duration with more loadout options, while its powered frame provides near unfettered movement despite the protection it offers.
  • item_Desc_cds_armor_heavy_helmet_02_01_01=Item Type: Heavy Armor\nDamage Reduction: 40%\nTemp. Rating: -70 / 100 °C\n\nBased on CDS’ ADP-mk4 heavy combat armor, this set has been modified from its original form. When there’s a difficult job at hand, you want to ensure that you can see it through to the end. This armor allows Marines to remain in active combat situations for a longer duration with more loadout options, while its powered frame provides near unfettered movement despite the protection it offers.
  • item_Desc_cds_armor_heavy_legs_02_01_01=Item Type: Heavy Armor\nDamage Reduction: 40%\nCarrying Capacity: 6.5k µSCU\nTemp. Rating: -70 / 100 °C\n\nBased on CDS’ ADP-mk4 heavy combat armor, this set has been modified from its original form. When there’s a difficult job at hand, you want to ensure that you can see it through to the end. This armor allows Marines to remain in active combat situations for a longer duration with more loadout options, while its powered frame provides near unfettered movement despite the protection it offers.
  • item_Desc_clda_env_heavy_backpack_01_iae2023_01=Item Type: Heavy Backpack\nCarrying Capacity: 120K µSCU\nCore Compatibility: Heavy\n\nConfidently explore cold environments while wearing the Novikov. Caldera designed a spacious backpack to complement this advanced exploration suit, so those venturing across unknown terrain can bring enough supplies to survive the journey. This special IAE 2953 edition is decorated with a copper and white damascus pattern inspired by Gatac Manufacture’s Syulen.
  • item_Desc_dmc_jacket_04_fleetweek2024_01=Carrying Capacity: 2K µSCU\n\nCelebrate Launch Week in iconic style with this commemorative flight jacket featuring a Navy patch on the front and a large Invictus patch on the back. This synthetic leather jacket comes with two front pockets and ribbed waistband and cuffs that guarantee a good fit.
  • item_Desc_eld_shirt_04_drake_04=Drake Interplanetary’s designs have caught the public’s imagination. From the Kraken to the Cutlass, share your love for their ships with this comfortable black and red shirt, featuring the company’s logo.
  • item_Desc_eld_shirt_04_tumbril_01=This orange and gray shirt displays the famed logo of Tumbril Land Systems, makers of legendary land vehicles such as the Nova tank and the Cyclone buggy. In need of a military-grade vehicle at a civilian price? Think Tumbril.
  • item_Desc_gsb_boots_08_01_01=The SafeCore boots are a soft-shelled offering from Grindstone intended to provide more flexibility while traversing in adverse conditions.
  • item_Desc_gsb_boots_09=With the Rockridge, Grindstone has created a comfortable boot with a wide laced collar that allows wearers to adjust the fit to their level of comfort while still keeping the elements out.
  • item_Desc_gsb_pants_01=Carrying Capacity: 400 µSCU\n\nA combination of waterproof and weather-resistant pants and boots, the Millrun Waders are a comfortable option for uncomfortable work.
  • item_Desc_hdh_boots_02=Strong, practical, and stylish, these high-cut boots with reinforced straps will be just the thing you need for those long outdoor treks. The slip- and abrasion-resistant soles were constructed from a proprietary composite of recycled plastic and rubber to improve traction without sacrificing flexibility.
  • item_Desc_hdh_hat_03_01_01=The wide-brim bucket-style design of Habidash’s Sorel hat provides the wearer with lots of cover from any overbearing rain or sunshine.
  • item_Desc_hdh_jacket_07=Carrying Capacity: 400 µSCU\n\nNeed extra inventory? We’ve got you covered. Designed for hands-free carrying, the Chada Panniers by Habidash come with an adjustable strap that lets you securely attach them around your hips. Each set of panniers comes with a fashionable steel and leather gorget.
  • item_Desc_hdh_jacket_08_01_01=Carrying Capacity:1000 µSCU\n\nThe Detara Jacket by Habidash weaves several long panels of durable fabric together to create a unique silhouette well suited to harsh environments.
  • item_Desc_hdh_jacket_09_01_01=Carrying Capacity: 1000 µSCU\n\nThe Calister Jacket by Habidash is made with thick synthetic fabric intended to ensure full body coverage. The cross-body panel that shapes the silhouette of the design provides additional insulation in harsher conditions.
  • item_Desc_hdh_jacket_10=Habidash’s Brocius Waist Apron features a quilted front panel paired with side skirting to protect the wearer from any overspills or other dirtying work while still providing freedom of movement.
  • item_Desc_hdh_pants_03=Carrying Capacity: 400 µSCU\n\nWhether you need them for work, play, or rest, the adaptable Canelo Pants from Habidash are guaranteed to fit the bill. Its convenient pockets allow you to carry all your essentials, and its stain-resistant fabric is comfortable enough to be worn for hours.
  • item_Desc_hdh_pants_04_01_01=Carrying Capacity: 1000 µSCU\n\nThe Calister Pants by Habidash are made with thick synthetic fabric intended to ensure coverage of the wearer’s legs even in adverse environmental conditions.
  • item_Desc_hdh_pants_05=The Guerra pants by Alejo Brothers are a staple for daily wear. The synthetic fabric ensures adequate protection from the general wear and tear of frontier life while remaining easy to patch up if the need arises.
  • item_Desc_hdh_shirt_01=This Samya Tank is your perfect staple for hot weather. Made with soft and breathable fabric, it features moisture-wicking technology and reinforced binding at the openings to protect it from wear and tear. A detachable sleeve is included with each shirt.
  • item_Desc_hdh_shirt_02_01_01=With a sleek design and durable material, the Silco Shirt by Habidash is a comfortable shirt that can be conveniently worn either as an undershirt or on its own.
  • item_Desc_hdh_shirt_03_01_01=Habidash’s Enkel is a simple, no-frills shirt designed to be comfortable, first and foremost.
  • item_Desc_ksar_armor_heavy_helmet_01=Item Type: Heavy Armor\nDamage Reduction: 40 %\nTemp. Rating: -77 / 107 °C\n\nDominate the battlefield in the Manticore Helmet. Crafted with a durable polymer weave for maximum protection, this fully enclosed combat helmet is enhanced with pointed horns that create a foreboding silhouette.
  • item_Desc_r6p_shoes_03=The Varhey by R6Pro is a widely popular lightweight workboot made of a durable, but flexible, polyweave that ensures a safe, snug fit.
  • item_Desc_rrs_specialist_light_legs_01_coramor_02,P=Item Type: Light Armor\nDamage Reduction: 20%\nCarrying Capacity: 5K µSCU\nTemp. Rating: -38 / 68 °C\n\nWith its excellent design and eye-catching style, the Arden-SL armor exemplifies why security specialists love Roussimoff Rehabilitation Systems. This versatile armor set lets the wearer stay agile but safe thanks to the precise placement of special composite armor plating and fabrics. The special Kismet edition of this armor features black and pink coloration in honor of the ship Yuri Ilyin flew in the classic vid ‘Coramor’ while he searched for his lost lover Corazon Tan.
  • item_Desc_scu_jacket_07=Carrying Capacity: 10000 µSCU\n\nThe ToolSafe Vest is constructed with thick materials accentuated by high-visibility straps to ensure worker safety. The inclusion of numerous pouches gives this jacket a generous amount of storage to make it a staple of worksites everywhere.
  • item_Desc_scu_pants_05=Carrying Capacity: 2000 µSCU\n\nMade of a durable synthetic material, Stegman’s designed the DuraWork to provide a comfortable and reliable clothing option to workers around the ‘verse.
  • item_Desc_srvl_armor_heavy_core_02=Item Type: Heavy Armor\nDamage Reduction: 40%\nCarrying Capacity: 12K µSCU\nTemp. Rating: -77 / 107 °C\n\nSalvaged pieces of disused protective gear were welded together to make this intimidating armor set. The cape, made from an old Banu wall-hanging, adds an elegant finishing touch.
  • item_Desc_srvl_armor_heavy_legs_02=Item Type: Heavy Armor\nDamage Reduction: 40%\nCarrying Capacity: 7.5K µSCU\nTemp. Rating: -77 / 107 °C\n\nSalvaged ship parts and pieces of disused protective gear were welded together to make this intimidating armor set. Paired with a decorated leather belt
  • item_Desc_vlg_backpack_heavy_01=Item Type: Heavy Backpack\nCarrying Capacity: 50K µSCU\nCore Compatibility: Heavy\n\nThis hard backpack from Virgil, Ltd. makes travel easy. Whether you need a place to carry your weapons or you’ve decided to bring some extra rations along for a long journey, this backpack was designed to rise to any occasion. The interior features a generous, closeable pocket to keep your small items from falling out of place.
  • item_NameFlair_Coin_1_p=First Contact Day ’54 Coin
  • item_NameFlair_Coin_1_q=Foundation Festival ’54 Coin
  • item_NameFlair_XiAn_Stone_1=Hui’a Puzzle
  • item_NameSTOR_opencontainer_1_8_SCU=Stor*All 1/8 SCU Storage Box
  • item_Name_alb_jacket_04_01_01=Loscha Work Vest
  • item_Name_alb_jacket_04_01_04=Loscha Work Vest Primrose
  • item_Name_alb_jacket_04_01_10=Loscha Work Vest Valencia
  • item_Name_alb_jacket_04_01_13=Loscha Work Vest Saddle
  • item_Name_alb_jacket_04_01_17=Loscha Work Vest Sirocco
  • item_Name_alb_jacket_05_01_04=Marshal Sleeveless Vest Sycamore
  • item_Name_alb_jacket_05_01_16=Marhsal Sleeveless Vest Hunter Green
  • item_Name_alb_jacket_05_01_18=Marhsal Sleeveless Vest Steel Blue
  • item_Name_alb_jacket_05_01_20=Marhsal Sleeveless Vest Copper
  • item_Name_alb_pants_02_01_01=Slickdry Waders
  • item_Name_alb_pants_02_01_04=Slickdry Waders Primrose
  • item_Name_alb_pants_02_01_10=Slickdry Waders Valencia
  • item_Name_alb_pants_02_01_13=Slickdry Waders Saddle
  • item_Name_alb_pants_02_01_17=Slickdry Waders Sirocco
  • item_Name_alb_shirt_05_01_01=Amaris Shirt
  • item_Name_alb_shirt_05_01_03=Amaris Shirt Ochre
  • item_Name_alb_shirt_05_01_11=Amaris Shirt Fogforest
  • item_Name_alb_shirt_05_01_15=Amaris Shirt Falstaff
  • item_Name_alb_shirt_05_01_17=Amaris Shirt Bayoux
  • item_Name_alb_shirt_06_01_01=Cassidy Shirt
  • item_Name_alb_shirt_06_01_11=Cassidy Shirt Stonewall
  • item_Name_alb_shirt_06_01_15=Cassidy Shirt Cloudcover
  • item_Name_alb_shirt_06_01_16=Cassidy Shirt Finch
  • item_Name_alb_shirt_06_01_18=Cassidy Shirt Daylight
  • item_Name_cbd_hat_03_ArcCorp_01=ArcCorp Hat
  • item_Name_cbd_hat_03_Cry-Astro_01=Cry-Astro Hat
  • item_Name_cbd_hat_03_Microtech_01=microTech Hat
  • item_Name_cbd_hat_03_SakuraSun_01=Sakura Sun Hat
  • item_Name_cbd_hat_03_crusader_01=Crusader Hat
  • item_Name_cbd_hat_03_drake_03=Drake Hat Red Logo
  • item_Name_cbd_hat_03_hd_01=Hurston Hat
  • item_Name_cbd_hat_03_tumbril_01=Tumbril Hat
  • item_Name_cds_armor_heavy_arms_02_01_01=ADP-mk4 Arms (Modified)
  • item_Name_cds_armor_heavy_core_02_01_01=ADP-mk4 Core (Modified)
  • item_Name_cds_armor_heavy_helmet_02_01_01=ADP-mk4 Helmet (Modified)
  • item_Name_cds_armor_heavy_legs_02_01_01=ADP-mk4 Legs (Modified)
  • item_Name_clda_env_heavy_backpack_01_iae2023_01=Novikov “Ascension” Backpack
  • item_Name_dmc_jacket_04_fleetweek2024_01=Invictus Flight Jacket Steel
  • item_Name_eld_shirt_04_drake_04=Drake T-Shirt Red Logo
  • item_Name_eld_shirt_04_tumbril_01=Tumbril T-Shirt
  • item_Name_grin_toxic_jumpsuit_01_02_01=TruBarrier Hazard Suit Warning
  • item_Name_grin_toxic_jumpsuit_01_03_01,P=TruBarrier Hazard Suit Dark Biohazard
  • item_Name_grin_toxic_jumpsuit_01_04_01,P=TruBarrier Hazard Suit Hi-Vis Biohazard
  • item_Name_grin_toxic_mask_01_02_01=TruBarrier Hazard Suit Mask Warning
  • item_Name_grin_toxic_mask_01_03_01=TruBarrier Hazard Suit Mask Dark Biohazard
  • item_Name_grin_toxic_mask_01_04_01=TruBarrier Hazard Suit Mask Hi-Vis Biohazard
  • item_Name_gsb_boots_08_01_01=SafeCore Boots
  • item_Name_gsb_boots_08_01_13=SafeCore Boots Tosca
  • item_Name_gsb_boots_08_01_15=SafeCore Boots Westar
  • item_Name_gsb_boots_08_01_17=SafeCore Boots Shuttle Gray
  • item_Name_gsb_boots_08_01_20=SafeCore Boots Armadillo
  • item_Name_gsb_boots_09_01_01=Rockridge Boots
  • item_Name_gsb_boots_09_01_10=Rockridge Boots Cloudcover
  • item_Name_gsb_boots_09_01_11=Rockridge Boots Stonewall
  • item_Name_gsb_boots_09_01_16=Rockridge Boots Finch
  • item_Name_gsb_boots_09_01_18=Rockridge Boots Daylight
  • item_Name_gsb_pants_01_01_01=Millrun Waders
  • item_Name_gsb_pants_01_01_03=Millrun Waders Mandalay
  • item_Name_gsb_pants_01_01_07=Millrun Waders Calypso
  • item_Name_gsb_pants_01_01_10=Millrun Waders Silvertusk
  • item_Name_gsb_pants_01_01_16=Millrun Waders Vineland
  • item_Name_hdh_boots_02_01_01=Taftan Boots Sandalwood
  • item_Name_hdh_boots_02_01_13=Taftan Boots Mahogany
  • item_Name_hdh_boots_02_01_15=Taftan Boots Shale
  • item_Name_hdh_boots_02_01_16=Taftan Boots Olive
  • item_Name_hdh_boots_02_01_17=Taftan Boots Spruce
  • item_Name_hdh_gloves_01_01_03=Sootho Gloves Mandalay
  • item_Name_hdh_gloves_01_01_07=Sootho Gloves Calypso
  • item_Name_hdh_gloves_01_01_10=Sootho Gloves Silvertusk
  • item_Name_hdh_gloves_01_01_16=Sootho Gloves Vineland
  • item_Name_hdh_hat_03_01_01=Sorel Hat
  • item_Name_hdh_hat_03_01_13=Sorel Hat Tosca
  • item_Name_hdh_hat_03_01_15=Sorel Hat Westar
  • item_Name_hdh_hat_03_01_17=Sorel Hat Shuttle Gray
  • item_Name_hdh_hat_03_01_20=Sorel Hat Armadillo
  • item_Name_hdh_jacket_07_01_01=Chada Collar and Panniers Sandalwood
  • item_Name_hdh_jacket_07_01_13=Chada Collar and Panniers Mahogany
  • item_Name_hdh_jacket_07_01_15=Chada Collar and Panniers Shale
  • item_Name_hdh_jacket_07_01_16=Chada Collar and Panniers Olive
  • item_Name_hdh_jacket_07_01_17=Chada Collar and Panniers Spruce
  • item_Name_hdh_jacket_08_01_01=Detara Jacket
  • item_Name_hdh_jacket_08_01_03=Detara Jacket Mandalay
  • item_Name_hdh_jacket_08_01_07=Detara Jacket Calypso
  • item_Name_hdh_jacket_08_01_10=Detara Jacket Silvertusk
  • item_Name_hdh_jacket_08_01_16=Detara Jacket VIneland
  • item_Name_hdh_jacket_09_01_01=Calister Jacket
  • item_Name_hdh_jacket_09_01_13=Calister Jacket Tosca
  • item_Name_hdh_jacket_09_01_15=Calister Jacket Westar
  • item_Name_hdh_jacket_09_01_17=Calister Jacket Shuttle Gray
  • item_Name_hdh_jacket_09_01_20=Calister Jacket Armadillo
  • item_Name_hdh_jacket_10_01_01=Brocius Waist Apron
  • item_Name_hdh_jacket_10_01_04=Brocius Waist Apron Daylight
  • item_Name_hdh_jacket_10_01_13=Brocius Waist Apron Stonewall
  • item_Name_hdh_jacket_10_01_15=Brocius Waist Apron Finch
  • item_Name_hdh_jacket_10_01_17=Brocius Waist Apron Cloudcover
  • item_Name_hdh_pants_03_01_01=Canelo Pants Marigold
  • item_Name_hdh_pants_03_01_13=Canelo Pants Rosewood
  • item_Name_hdh_pants_03_01_15=Canelo Pants Snow
  • item_Name_hdh_pants_03_01_16=Canelo Pants Laurel
  • item_Name_hdh_pants_03_01_17=Canelo Pants Twilight
  • item_Name_hdh_pants_04_01_01=Calister Pants
  • item_Name_hdh_pants_04_01_13=Calister Pants Tosca
  • item_Name_hdh_pants_04_01_15=Calister Pants Westar
  • item_Name_hdh_pants_04_01_17=Calister Pants Shuttle Gray
  • item_Name_hdh_pants_04_01_20=Calister Pants Armadillo
  • item_Name_hdh_pants_05_01_01=Guerra Pants
  • item_Name_hdh_pants_05_01_15=Guerra Pants Finch
  • item_Name_hdh_pants_05_01_16=Guerra Pants Cloudcover
  • item_Name_hdh_pants_05_01_18=Guerra Pants Stonewall
  • item_Name_hdh_pants_05_01_20=Guerra Pants Daylight
  • item_Name_hdh_shirt_01_01_01=Samya Tank White
  • item_Name_hdh_shirt_01_01_13=Samya Tank Rosewood
  • item_Name_hdh_shirt_01_01_15=Samya Tank Birch
  • item_Name_hdh_shirt_01_01_16=Samya Tank Moss
  • item_Name_hdh_shirt_01_01_17=Samya Tank Storm
  • item_Name_hdh_shirt_02_01_01=Silco Shirt
  • item_Name_hdh_shirt_02_01_03=Silco Shirt Mandalay
  • item_Name_hdh_shirt_02_01_07=Silco Shirt Calypso
  • item_Name_hdh_shirt_02_01_10=Silco Shirt Silvertusk
  • item_Name_hdh_shirt_02_01_16=Silco Shirt Vineland
  • item_Name_hdh_shirt_03_01_01=Enkel Shirt
  • item_Name_hdh_shirt_03_01_04=Enkel Shirt Primrose
  • item_Name_hdh_shirt_03_01_10=Enkel Shirt Valencia
  • item_Name_hdh_shirt_03_01_13=Enkel Shirt Saddle
  • item_Name_hdh_shirt_03_01_17=Enkel Shirt Sirocco
  • item_Name_ksar_armor_heavy_helmet_01_01_01=Manticore Helmet
  • item_Name_nvs_jumpsuit_01_09_07=Falston Jumpsuit “Crusader Edition”
  • item_Name_nvs_jumpsuit_01_10_04=Falston Jumpsuit “Hurston Edition”
  • item_Name_nvs_jumpsuit_01_11_07=Falston Jumpsuit “Cry-Astro Edition”
  • item_Name_nvs_jumpsuit_01_12_09=Falston Jumpsuit “Sakura Sun Edition”
  • item_Name_nvs_jumpsuit_01_13_06=Falston Jumpsuit “microTech Edition”
  • item_Name_nvs_jumpsuit_01_14_20=Falston Jumpsuit “ArcCorp Edition”
  • item_Name_nvs_jumpsuit_01_15_11,P=Falston Jumpsuit “Greycat Edition”
  • item_Name_r6p_shoes_03_01_01=Varhey Boots
  • item_Name_r6p_shoes_03_01_03=Varhey Boots Ochre
  • item_Name_r6p_shoes_03_01_11=Varhey Boots Fogforest
  • item_Name_r6p_shoes_03_01_15=Varhey Boots Falstaff
  • item_Name_r6p_shoes_03_01_17=Varhey Boots Bayoux
  • item_Name_scu_hat_04_01_04,P=PH – scu_hat_04_01_04
  • item_Name_scu_hat_04_01_07,P=PH – scu_hat_04_01_07
  • item_Name_scu_hat_04_02_04,P=PH – scu_hat_04_02_04
  • item_Name_scu_hat_04_02_07,P=PH – scu_hat_04_02_07
  • item_Name_scu_hat_05_01_04,P=PH – scu_hat_05_01_04
  • item_Name_scu_hat_05_01_07,P=PH – scu_hat_05_01_07
  • item_Name_scu_hat_05_02_04,P=PH – scu_hat_05_02_04
  • item_Name_scu_hat_05_02_07,P=PH – scu_hat_05_02_07
  • item_Name_scu_jacket_07_01_01=ToolSafe Vest
  • item_Name_scu_jacket_07_01_03=ToolSafe Vest Ochre
  • item_Name_scu_jacket_07_01_11=ToolSafe Vest Fogforest
  • item_Name_scu_jacket_07_01_15=ToolSafe Vest Falstaff
  • item_Name_scu_jacket_07_01_17=ToolSafe Vest Bayoux
  • item_Name_scu_pants_05_01_01=DuraWork Pants
  • item_Name_scu_pants_05_01_03=DuraWork Pants Ochre
  • item_Name_scu_pants_05_01_11=DuraWork Pants Fogforest
  • item_Name_scu_pants_05_01_15=DuraWork Pants Falstaff
  • item_Name_scu_pants_05_01_17=DuraWork Pants Bayoux
  • item_Name_srvl_armor_heavy_arms_02_01_01=Dust Devil Armor Arms
  • item_Name_srvl_armor_heavy_core_02_01_01=Dust Devil Armor Core
  • item_Name_srvl_armor_heavy_legs_02_01_01=Dust Devil Armor Legs
  • item_Name_vlg_backpack_heavy_01_01_01=Warden Backpack
  • item_SubTypeBombRack,P=Bomb Rack
  • item_SubTypeUndefined=
  • item_TypeBombLauncher,P=Bomb Launcher
  • item_TypeLifeSupportVent,P=Room Vent
  • item_TypeSeatDashboard,P=Dashboard

Keys Added for Item:

  • Item_Desc_srvl_armor_heavy_arms_02=Item Type: Heavy Armor\nDamage Reduction: 40%\nCarrying Capacity: 8K µSCU\nTemp. Rating: -77 / 107 °C\n\nSalvaged pieces of disused protective gear were welded together to make this intimidating armor set.

Keys Added for killallanimals:

  • killallanimals_desc,P=Usually I am more of a dog person but…
  • killallanimals_obj_long,P=Locate Kopion around Stanton and exterminate them
  • killallanimals_obj_short,P=Kopion’s Killed %ls
  • killallanimals_title,P=Exterminate the Kopions

Keys Added for killatlocation:

  • killatlocation_desc,P=Go to the sand cave and eliminate the Kopion Infestation
  • killatlocation_obj_long_01,P=Locate the sand cave on ~mission(Location)
  • killatlocation_obj_long_02,P=Kill all the Kopions at the den %ls
  • killatlocation_obj_short_01,P=Go to Kopion Den
  • killatlocation_obj_short_02,P=Kopion’s remaining &ls
  • killatlocation_title,P=Pest Control

Keys Added for killcollectanimals:

  • killcollectanimals_deliver_obj_long,P=Deliver the requested items
  • killcollectanimals_deliver_obj_short,P=Delivered Items %ls
  • killcollectanimals_desc,P=Who put this basketball here?
  • killcollectanimals_obj_long,P=Locate animals and collect their Items
  • killcollectanimals_obj_short,P=~mission(Entity) Collected %ls
  • killcollectanimals_title,P=Gather Items

Keys Added for kiosk:

  • kiosk_Armor_Shop,P=Armor_Shop
  • kiosk_Clothing_Shop,P=Clothing_Shop
  • kiosk_Ship_Parts,P=Vehicle_Parts
  • kiosk_Weapons_Shop,P=Weapons_Shop

Keys Added for Klescher:

  • Klescher_RepUI_Area=UEE
  • Klescher_RepUI_Description=Klescher Rehabilitation Facilities is a private corrections provider who’s committed to building secure sites that ensure their incarcerated guests safe housing with multiple work release opportunities; allowing them to be productive while paying their debt to society.
  • Klescher_RepUI_Focus=Prisons
  • Klescher_RepUI_Founded=2913
  • Klescher_RepUI_Headquarters=Severus, Kiel System
  • Klescher_RepUI_Leadership=Leland Wingard, Founder
  • Klescher_RepUI_Name=Klescher Rehabilitation Facilities

Keys Added for Kopion:

  • kopion,P=Kopion

Keys Added for Maps:

  • Maps_AllMarkersHeader,P=All Results
  • Maps_Amenities_Armor,P=Buy Armor
  • Maps_Amenities_BuyRentVehicles,P=Buy/Rent Vehicles
  • Maps_Amenities_BuyVehicles,P=Buy Vehicles
  • Maps_Amenities_Clinic,P=Clinic
  • Maps_Amenities_Clothing,P=Buy Clothing
  • Maps_Amenities_Docking,P=Docking
  • Maps_Amenities_Event,P=Event
  • Maps_Amenities_FoodCourt,P=Food Court
  • Maps_Amenities_Garage,P=Garage
  • Maps_Amenities_Hospital,P=Hospital
  • Maps_Amenities_Refinery,P=Refinery
  • Maps_Amenities_RentVehicles,P=Rent Vehicles
  • Maps_Amenities_ShipItems,P=Buy Ship Items/Weapons
  • Maps_Amenities_Weapons,P=Buy Weapons
  • Maps_CancelRoute,P=Cancel
  • Maps_KeyBind_C,P=C
  • Maps_KeyBind_E,P=E
  • Maps_KeyBind_Q,P=Q
  • Maps_KeyBind_R,P=R
  • Maps_KeyBind_T,P=T
  • Maps_KeyBind_Tab,P=Tab
  • Maps_KeyBind_X,P=X
  • Maps_KeyHint_CancelRoute,P=Cancel Route
  • Maps_KeyHint_DecreaseFloor,P=Decrease Floor
  • Maps_KeyHint_IncreaseFloor,P=IncreaseFloor
  • Maps_KeyHint_MyLocation,P=My Location
  • Maps_KeyHint_Ping,P=Ping
  • Maps_KeyHint_SetMarker,P=Set Marker
  • Maps_KeyHint_SetRoute,P=Set Route
  • Maps_MarkerDropdownHeading,P=Marker Databank
  • Maps_MarkerPromptCoordinates,P=Coordinates
  • Maps_MarkerPromptDate,P=Date
  • Maps_MarkerPromptInputDefaultText,P=Enter a marker name
  • Maps_MarkerPromptTitle,P=Set Marker Details
  • Maps_MyLocation,P=My Location
  • Maps_Ping,P=Ping
  • Maps_QuantumPathObstructed,P=Obstructed
  • Maps_RecentMarkersHeader,P=Recent
  • Maps_Search_NoResults,P=No results for
  • Maps_Search_Prompt,P=Search locations…
  • Maps_Search_Results,P=Results
  • Maps_Search_Suggestions,P=Top Suggestions
  • Maps_SetMarker,P=Set Marker
  • Maps_SetRoute,P=Route

Keys Added for Markers:

  • Markers_Subtext_LagrangePoint,P=Lagrange Point
  • Markers_Subtext_LandingZone,P=Settlement
  • Markers_Subtext_Outpost,P=Outpost

Keys Added for mG:

  • mG_ContractsMgr_ContractAvailability=CONTRACT AVAILABILITY
  • mG_ContractsMgr_ContractDeadline=CONTRACT DEADLINE
  • mG_ContractsMgr_ContractedBy=CONTRACTED BY
  • mG_ContractsMgr_ToggleIllegal,P=Illegal
  • mG_ContractsMgr_ToggleLegal,P=Legal

Keys Added for microTech:

  • microTech_RepUI_Area=Stanton IV, UEE
  • microTech_RepUI_Description=Ubiquitous around the Empire, microTech and their range of electronics, datapads, mobile interfaces, handheld sensors and computer software upgrades for starships are used daily by almost everyone. Their line of mobiGlas personal computers have become an integral part of daily life for millions of people. Additionally, the company purchased the rights to planet Stanton IV and use the icy world as their current headquarters.
  • microTech_RepUI_Focus=Computers, Electronics
  • microTech_RepUI_Founded=2782
  • microTech_RepUI_Headquarters=New Babbage, microTech, Stanton System
  • microTech_RepUI_Leadership=El Filipiak, CEO
  • microTech_RepUI_Name=microTech

Keys Added for mobiGlas:

  • mobiGlas_AppName_Comms=Comms
  • mobiGlas_AppName_Contracts=Contracts
  • mobiGlas_AppName_Galactipedia=Galactipedia
  • mobiGlas_AppName_Health=Health
  • mobiGlas_AppName_HomeScreen=Home
  • mobiGlas_AppName_Landing=Landing
  • mobiGlas_AppName_Maps=Maps
  • mobiGlas_AppName_Messages=Messages
  • mobiGlas_AppName_NikNax=NikNax
  • mobiGlas_AppName_PersonalStatus=Personal Status
  • mobiGlas_AppName_Rep=Rep
  • mobiGlas_AppName_ShipStatus=Ship Status
  • mobiGlas_AppName_Starmap=Starmap
  • mobiGlas_AppName_VMA=Vehicles
  • mobiGlas_Reputation_Standing=Standing
  • mobiGlas_Reputation_Standing_Criminal=Criminal
  • mobiGlas_Reputation_Standing_Lawful=Lawful
  • mobiGlas_Reputation_discountSidearmsGarrity,P=On sidearms at Garrity Defense
  • mobiGlas_Reputation_itemDiscount,P=Discount
  • mobiGlas_home_Contracts=Contracts
  • mobiGlas_home_Law,P=Law
  • mobiGlas_home_MissionManager=Mission Manager
  • mobiGlas_home_Reputation=Reputation
  • mobiGlas_home_ShipStatus=Ship Status
  • mobiGlas_home_Social=Social
  • mobiGlas_ui_MarkAllRead=Mark All Read
  • mobiGlas_ui_MissionManager_CurrentObjectives=Current Objectives
  • mobiGlas_ui_MissionManager_contractedBy=Contracted By
  • mobiGlas_ui_MissionManager_offered=Offered
  • mobiGlas_ui_MissionManager_tracked=Tracked
  • mobiGlas_ui_PersonalStatus_Atmos=Atmos
  • mobiGlas_ui_PersonalStatus_Danger=Danger
  • mobiGlas_ui_PersonalStatus_Environment=Environment
  • mobiGlas_ui_PersonalStatus_Ext=Ext
  • mobiGlas_ui_PersonalStatus_ExtTemp=Ext Temp
  • mobiGlas_ui_PersonalStatus_Fuel=Fuel
  • mobiGlas_ui_PersonalStatus_Gravity=Gravity
  • mobiGlas_ui_PersonalStatus_Nominal=Nominal
  • mobiGlas_ui_PersonalStatus_Oxygen=Oxygen
  • mobiGlas_ui_PersonalStatus_Pressure=Pressure
  • mobiGlas_ui_PersonalStatus_Radiation=Radiation
  • mobiGlas_ui_PersonalStatus_Safe=Safe
  • mobiGlas_ui_PersonalStatus_Suit=Suit
  • mobiGlas_ui_PersonalStatus_Vacuum=Vacuum
  • mobiGlas_ui_Reputation_CrimeStat=Crime Stat
  • mobiGlas_ui_Reputation_LocalJurisdiction=Local Jurisdiction
  • mobiGlas_ui_greeble_1,P=MOBIGLAS V.2.4.95
  • mobiGlas_ui_notification_SolarFlareHazard_DangerZone_0=Solar Anomaly Detected. Proceed With Caution.
  • mobiGlas_ui_notification_SolarFlareHazard_DangerZone_1=Coronal Mass Ejection Imminent. Take Cover.
  • mobiGlas_ui_notification_SolarFlareHazard_DangerZone_2=Coronal Mass Ejection Detected
  • mobiGlas_ui_notification_SolarFlareHazard_Finished=Solar Activity At Acceptable Levels.
  • mobiGlas_ui_notification_SolarFlareHazard_SafeZone=Currently Shielded From Solar Flare.
  • mobiGlas_ui_personalstatus_AttributesTitle=Attributes
  • mobiGlas_ui_personalstatus_Attributes_Beginner=Beginner
  • mobiGlas_ui_personalstatus_Attributes_Fitness=Fitness
  • mobiGlas_ui_personalstatus_Attributes_Fortitude=Fortitude
  • mobiGlas_ui_personalstatus_Attributes_Reflex=Reflex
  • mobiGlas_ui_personalstatus_Attributes_Strength=Strength
  • mobiGlas_ui_personalstatus_BloodDrugLevel=Blood Drug Level
  • mobiGlas_ui_personalstatus_BodyTemperature=Body Temp
  • mobiGlas_ui_personalstatus_Conditions=Conditions and Effects
  • mobiGlas_ui_personalstatus_CurrentStateTitle=Current State
  • mobiGlas_ui_personalstatus_Drugs=Active Drugs
  • mobiGlas_ui_personalstatus_Health=Health
  • mobiGlas_ui_personalstatus_HeartRate=Heart Rate
  • mobiGlas_ui_personalstatus_Hunger=Hunger
  • mobiGlas_ui_personalstatus_Hydration=Hydration
  • mobiGlas_ui_personalstatus_PhysicalStatusTitle=Physical Status
  • mobiGlas_ui_personalstatus_SkillsTitle=Skills
  • mobiGlas_ui_personalstatus_SuitEnvironmentTitle=Suit and Environment Status
  • mobiGlas_ui_shipSatus_Ammunition=Ammunition
  • mobiGlas_ui_shipSatus_Ballistic=Ballistic
  • mobiGlas_ui_shipSatus_ConnectionLost=Connection Lost
  • mobiGlas_ui_shipSatus_Connections=Connections
  • mobiGlas_ui_shipSatus_Connectivity=Connectivity
  • mobiGlas_ui_shipSatus_Damage=Damage
  • mobiGlas_ui_shipSatus_Hydrogen=Hydrogen
  • mobiGlas_ui_shipSatus_NoShip,P=Ship Data: Null
  • mobiGlas_ui_shipSatus_NoShip_message,P=Please connect to your ship
  • mobiGlas_ui_shipSatus_Ordnance=Ordnance
  • mobiGlas_ui_shipSatus_RemoteRetrieval=Remote Retrieval
  • mobiGlas_ui_social_NearbyPlayers=Nearby Players
  • mobiGlas_ui_social_OnlineFriends=Online Friends
  • mobiGlas_ui_social_Party=Party

Keys Added for NineTails:

  • NineTails_RepUI_Area=Stanton System
  • NineTails_RepUI_Description=A criminal organization that has been gaining a larger foothold in the Stanton System from its base of operations, the infamous Grim HEX station near Crusader. They are organized and ruthless, but are willing to share the wealth as long as other outlaws contract with them.
  • NineTails_RepUI_Focus=Piracy
  • NineTails_RepUI_Founded=2938
  • NineTails_RepUI_Headquarters=Grim HEX, Stanton System
  • NineTails_RepUI_Leadership=N/A

Keys Added for Outlaw:

  • Outlaw_RepUI_Area=N/A
  • Outlaw_RepUI_Description=These criminals are unaffiliated with any of the known gangs or syndicates, but still pose a threat to individuals across the empire.
  • Outlaw_RepUI_Focus=Piracy
  • Outlaw_RepUI_Founded=N/A
  • Outlaw_RepUI_Headquarters=N/A
  • Outlaw_RepUI_Leadership=N/A
  • Outlaw_RepUI_Name=Outlaws

Keys Added for p:

  • p_protectandresupply_PreXeno_desc=FOR IMMEDIATE SYSTEM-WIDE RELEASE
  • p_protectandresupply_PreXeno_title=Overdrive Initative: Xenothreat Ambush – Support Needed
  • p_showdown_PreXeno_title=Overdrive Initative: Attack on XenoThreat

Keys Added for pause:

  • pause_OptionsGForceHeadBobAdsModifier=G-Force Induced Head-Bob – ADS Modifier
  • pause_OptionsInteractionPromptDisplayInputIcon=Interaction Prompt: Display Input Icon
  • pause_OptionsLookAheadQuantumBoostTarget=Pilot – Look Ahead – Strength – Quantum Boost Target
  • pause_OptionsTobiiGazeInputCameraBoost=Camera Boost (Disables Input Mix)
  • pause_OptionsTobiiGazeInputInputMix=Input Mix (Disables Camera Boost)
  • pause_OptionsUIAspectModifier=UI – Aspect Modifier
  • pause_OptionsUpscaling=Upscaling
  • pause_OptionsUpscalingTechnique=Upscaling Technique
  • pause_OptionsWaterMaxRegionSims=Water – Number of Simulated Regions
  • pause_Options_salvage_aim_nudge_sensitivity=Salvage – Aim Nudge Sensitivity
  • pause_options_head_tracking_tobii_profile0_camera_boost_gaze_deadzone=Head Tracking – Tobii – Seat – Camera Boost Deadzone
  • pause_options_head_tracking_tobii_profile0_camera_boost_value=Head Tracking – Tobii – Seat – Camera Boost Value
  • pause_options_head_tracking_tobii_profile0_gaze_input_method=Head Tracking – Tobii – Seat – Input Gaze Method
  • pause_options_head_tracking_tobii_profile1_camera_boost_gaze_deadzone=Head Tracking – Tobii – FPS – Camera Boost Deadzone
  • pause_options_head_tracking_tobii_profile1_camera_boost_value=Head Tracking – Tobii – FPS – Camera Boost Value
  • pause_options_head_tracking_tobii_profile1_camera_boost_value_0=Head Tracking – Tobii – FPS – Camera Boost Value
  • pause_options_head_tracking_tobii_profile1_gaze_input_method=Head Tracking – Tobii – FPS – Input Gaze Method
  • pause_options_look_ahead_dampening_zone=Look Ahead – Dampening Zone

Keys Added for PU:

  • PU_CARGOATC02_M_ATC_Announce_CargoTransfer_Begin_IG_001_CargoTransferInitiated=Cargo transfer initiated.
  • PU_CARGOATC02_M_ATC_Announce_CargoTransfer_Finish_IG_001_CargoTransferComplete=Cargo transfer complete.
  • PU_CARGOATC02_M_ATC_Announce_CargoTransfer_Interrupted_IG_001_ErrorCargoTransfer=Error. Cargo transfer halted. Vehicle must be aligned and loading area clear to continue.
  • PU_CARGOATC02_M_ATC_Announce_Deck_ArrivalSuccess_IG_001_VehicleMustBe=Vehicle must be aligned properly to begin cargo transfer.
  • PU_CARGOATC02_M_ATC_Call_Security_IG_001_AttentionSecurityHas=Attention. Security has been notified.
  • PU_CARGOATC02_M_ATC_Decline_Deck_AlreadyHave_IG_001_ActiveCargoService=Active cargo service request in progress. Complete before making additional requests.
  • PU_CARGOATC02_M_ATC_Decline_Deck_NoPermission_IG_001_YouAreNot=You are not authorized to use this cargo facility.
  • PU_CARGOATC02_M_ATC_Decline_Deck_NoValidSize_IG_001_CargoServiceRequest=Cargo service request denied. Unable to accommodate vehicle.
  • PU_CARGOATC02_M_ATC_Despawn_Ship_IG_001_YourVehicleIs=Your vehicle is now locked down. Standby.
  • PU_CARGOATC02_M_ATC_Give_Deck_Cargo_IG_001_CargoDeckAssigned=Cargo deck assigned.
  • PU_CARGOATC02_M_ATC_Queue_Deck_Cargo_IG_001_CargoServiceRequest=Cargo service request pending. No current space available. Standby.
  • PU_CARGOATC02_M_ATC_Request_Deck_Cargo_IG_001_CargoServiceRequest=Cargo service request acknowledged. Standby.
  • PU_CARGOATC02_M_ATC_Revoke_Deck_AlignFailed_IG_001_VehicleNotAligned=Vehicle not aligned. Assigned cargo deck has been revoked.
  • PU_CARGOATC02_M_ATC_Revoke_Deck_ArrivalFailed_IG_001_AssignedCargoDeck=Assigned cargo deck has been revoked.
  • PU_CARGOATC02_M_ATC_Revoke_Deck_IG_001_AssignedCargoDeck=Assigned cargo deck has been revoked.
  • PU_CARGOATC02_M_ATC_Warn_Deck_AlignTimeLimit_IG_001_AlignVehicleOr=Align vehicle or assigned cargo deck will be revoked.
  • PU_CARGOATC02_M_ATC_Warn_Deck_ArrivalTimeLimit_IG_001_WarningAssignedCargo=Warning. Assigned cargo deck will be revoked if not utilized.
  • PU_CARGOATC02_M_ATC_Warn_Deck_Clear_IG_001_VehiclesNotTransferring=Vehicles not transferring cargo must vacate the cargo deck.
  • PU_CARGOATC02_M_ATC_Warn_ShipState_InvalidConfig_IG_001_AdjustingVehicleConfiguration=Adjusting vehicle configuration for cargo transfer.
  • PU_CARGOATC02_M_ATC_Warn_Ship_Obstructing_IG_001_WarningYourVehicle=Warning. Your vehicle is not authorized for cargo deck use. Vacate or your vehicle will be locked down.
  • PU_CARGOATC02_M_ATC_Warn_Ship_Obstructing_LastOccur_IG_001_WarningVacateThe=Warning. Vacate the cargo deck or your vehicle will be locked down.
  • PU_GENASOP02_M_ATC_Inform_Deck_Obstructing_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_ObstructionOnVehicle=Obstruction on vehicle platform detected. Please clear.
  • PU_GENASOP02_M_ATC_Inform_FleetManager_Begin_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_FleetManagerInitiating=Fleet Manager initiating. Accessing your records.
  • PU_GENASOP02_M_ATC_Inform_FleetManager_Finish_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_FleetManagerServices=Fleet Manager services complete Terminating connection.
  • PU_GENASOP02_M_ATC_Inform_InsuranceClaim_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_InsuranceClaimSubmitted=Insurance claim submitted.
  • PU_GENASOP02_M_ATC_Inform_Retrieval_AlreadyHave_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_ThatVehicleHas=That vehicle has already been retrieved and is no longer in storage.
  • PU_GENASOP02_M_ATC_Inform_Retrieval_Begin_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_ProcessingVehicleSelection=Processing vehicle selection.
  • PU_GENASOP02_M_ATC_Inform_Retrieval_Cargo_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_StandByRetrieving=Stand by. Retrieving cargo.
  • PU_GENASOP02_M_ATC_Inform_Retrieval_Finish_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_YourVehicleHas=Your vehicle has been retrieved.
  • PU_GENASOP02_M_ATC_Inform_Retrieval_Impounded_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_VehicleSelectionDenied=Vehicle selection denied. Vehicle currently impounded.
  • PU_GENASOP02_M_ATC_Inform_Retrieval_InQueue_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_VehicleRetrievalPending=Vehicle retrieval pending. No available space. Standby.
  • PU_GENASOP02_M_ATC_Inform_Retrieval_Invalid_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_VehicleSelectionDenied=Vehicle selection denied. Invalid request.
  • PU_GENASOP02_M_ATC_Inform_Retrieval_Paid_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_PaymentReceivedVehicle=Payment received. Vehicle is now available for retrieval.
  • PU_GENASOP02_M_ATC_Inform_Retrieval_Storage_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_YourVehicleHas=Your vehicle has been moved into storage.
  • PU_GENASOP02_M_ATC_Inform_Retrieval_TooBig_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_VehicleSelectionDenied=Vehicle selection denied. Unable to accommodate vehicle size.
  • PU_GENASOP02_M_ATC_Inform_Retrieval_Vehicle_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_StandByRetrieving=Stand by. Retrieving vehicle.
  • PU_GENATC02_M_ATC_Approved_Departure_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_ExitApprovedSafe=Exit approved. Safe travels.
  • PU_GENATC02_M_ATC_Assigned_Storage_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_VehicleStorageRequest=Vehicle storage request approved. Storage space assigned.
  • PU_GENATC02_M_ATC_Decline_Payment_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_PaymentDeclinedVehicle=Payment declined. Vehicle storage request denied.
  • PU_GENATC02_M_ATC_Farewell_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_ServiceCompleteConnection=Service complete. Connection terminating.
  • PU_GENATC02_M_ATC_Give_Payment_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_PaymentAcceptedVehicle=Payment accepted. Vehicle storage request approved.
  • PU_GENATC02_M_ATC_Impounded_Vehicle_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_YourVehicleHas=Your vehicle has been impounded.
  • PU_GENATC02_M_ATC_Inform_Arrival_Complete_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_YourVehicleIs=Your vehicle is now stored.
  • PU_GENATC02_M_ATC_Inform_Banned_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_YouAreNot=You are not authorized to use this facility. Vacate immediately.
  • PU_GENATC02_M_ATC_Inform_Cargo_Clear_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_AirSpaceIs=Air space is clear. Stand by for launch.
  • PU_GENATC02_M_ATC_Inform_Cargo_Congested_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_AirSpaceIs=Air space is too congested to launch. Stand by.
  • PU_GENATC02_M_ATC_Inform_Cargo_Warning_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_AttentionLooseCargo=Attention, loose cargo has been detected in the hangar. Any cargo left behind will be considered abandoned.
  • PU_GENATC02_M_ATC_Inform_JumpPoint_CrimeStat_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_AttentionYouHave=Attention, you have an active criminal rating. Security forces have been dispatched.
  • PU_GENATC02_M_ATC_Inform_JumpPoint_Encourage_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_ScansIndicateThe=Scans indicate the jump point is open. Please proceed forward.
  • PU_GENATC02_M_ATC_Inform_JumpPoint_Proceed_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_YouAreNow=You are now authorized to access the jump point.
  • PU_GENATC02_M_ATC_Inform_JumpPoint_QueueEnter_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_StandByFor=Stand by for authorization to access jump point.
  • PU_GENATC02_M_ATC_Inform_JumpPoint_QueueKicked_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_YouHaveForfeited=You have forfeited your position in this queue. Used the same for Timer Expired
  • PU_GENATC02_M_ATC_Inform_JumpPoint_QueueLeave_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_YouAreLeaving=You are leaving the accepted waiting area. Please return or risk losing your position in the queue.
  • PU_GENATC02_M_ATC_Inform_JumpPoint_QueueTimer_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_YouHaveForfeited=You have forfeited your position in this queue.
  • PU_GENATC02_M_ATC_Inform_JumpPoint_Queue_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_ThisJumpPoint=This jump point is experiencing higher than usual traffic. Stay close until cleared to access jump point.
  • PU_GENATC02_M_ATC_Inform_Storage_NotAvailable_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_StorageSpaceIs=Storage space is not currently available. Stand by.
  • PU_GENATC02_M_ATC_Inform_Storage_NotPossible_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_VehicleStorageRequest=Vehicle storage request denied. Unable to accommodate vehicle type.
  • PU_GENATC02_M_ATC_Inform_Vehicle_NotDetected_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_VehicleStorageRequest=Vehicle storage request denied. No vehicle detected.
  • PU_GENATC02_M_ATC_Inform_Vehicle_TooBig_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_VehicleStorageRequest=Vehicle storage request denied. Vehicle too large.
  • PU_GENATC02_M_ATC_Inform_Zone_Closed_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_ErrorVehicleStorage=Error. Vehicle storage not currently available.
  • PU_GENATC02_M_ATC_Request_Departure_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_ExitRequestAcknowledged=Exit request acknowledged. Stand by.
  • PU_GENATC02_M_ATC_Request_Payment_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_VehicleStorageRequest=Vehicle storage request pending. Awaiting payment.
  • PU_GENATC02_M_ATC_Request_Storage_AlreadyGranted_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_ActiveVehicleStorage=Active vehicle storage in progress. Complete before making additional requests.
  • PU_GENATC02_M_ATC_Request_Storage_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_VehicleStorageRequest=Vehicle storage request acknowledged. Standby.
  • PU_GENATC02_M_ATC_Revoked_Storage_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_AssignedStorageSpace=Assigned storage space has been revoked.
  • PU_GENATC02_M_ATC_Stored_Vehicle_DepartTimeLimit_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_YourVehicleHas=Your vehicle has been placed into storage. Use fleet manager terminal to gain access.
  • PU_GENATC02_M_ATC_Warn_Storage_ArriveTimeLimit_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_WarningAssignedStorage=Warning. Assigned storage space will be revoked if not utilized.
  • PU_GENATC02_M_ATC_Warn_Storage_DepartTimeLimit_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_WarningExitThe=Warning. Exit the facility or your vehicle will be placed into storage.
  • PU_GENATC02_M_ATC_Warn_Storage_StorageTimeLimit_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_WarningRelocateYour=Warning. Relocate your vehicle immediately or it will be placed into storage.
  • PU_GENATC02_M_ATC_Warn_Vehicle_Obstructing_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_WarningRelocateYour=Warning. Relocate your vehicle or it will be impounded.
  • PU_PYROAIRLOCK01_M_ATC_Inform_AirPressure_Cycling_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_NormalizingPressureStand=Normalizing pressure. Stand by.
  • PU_PYROAIRLOCK01_M_ATC_Inform_AirPressure_Failure_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_WarningPressurizationFailure=Warning. Pressurization failure detected. Contact emergency services immediately.
  • PU_PYROASOP01_F_ATC_Assigned_Storage_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_VehicleRetrievalPending=Vehicle retrieval pending. No available space. Standby.
  • PU_PYROASOP01_F_ATC_Give_Payment_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_InsuranceClaimSubmitted=Insurance claim submitted.
  • PU_PYROASOP01_F_ATC_Inform_Banned_CrimeStat_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_YourVehicleHas=Your vehicle has been retrieved.
  • PU_PYROASOP01_F_ATC_Inform_Banned_StolenVehicle_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_ThatVehicleHas=That vehicle has already been retrieved and is no longer in storage.
  • PU_PYROASOP01_F_ATC_Inform_Banned_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_ProcessingVehicleSelection=Processing vehicle selection.
  • PU_PYROASOP01_F_ATC_Inform_Storage_NotAvailable_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_VehicleSelectionDenied=Vehicle selection denied. Invalid request.
  • PU_PYROASOP01_F_ATC_Inform_Storage_NotPossible_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_YourVehicleHas=Your vehicle has been moved into storage.
  • PU_PYROASOP01_F_ATC_Inform_Vehicle_TooBig_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_VehicleSelectionDenied=Vehicle selection denied. Unable to accommodate vehicle size.
  • PU_PYROASOP01_F_ATC_Inform_Zone_Closed_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_FleetManagerInitiating=Fleet Manager initiating. Accessing your records.
  • PU_PYROASOP01_F_ATC_Inform_Zone_Closed_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_FleetManagerServices=Fleet Manager services complete Terminating connection.
  • PU_PYROASOP01_F_ATC_Request_Payment_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_PaymentReceivedVehicle=Payment received. Vehicle is now available for retrieval.
  • PU_PYROASOP01_F_ATC_Request_Storage_AlreadyGranted_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_VehicleSelectionDenied=Vehicle selection denied. Vehicle currently impounded.
  • PU_PYROATC01_M_ATC_Approved_Departure_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_ExitApprovedSafe=Exit approved. Safe travels.
  • PU_PYROATC01_M_ATC_Assigned_Storage_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_VehicleStorageRequest=Vehicle storage request approved. Storage space assigned.
  • PU_PYROATC01_M_ATC_Decline_Payment_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_PaymentDeclinedVehicle=Payment declined. Vehicle storage request denied.
  • PU_PYROATC01_M_ATC_Farewell_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_ServiceCompleteConnection=Service complete. Connection terminating.
  • PU_PYROATC01_M_ATC_Give_Payment_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_PaymentAcceptedVehicle=Payment accepted. Vehicle storage request approved.
  • PU_PYROATC01_M_ATC_Impounded_Vehicle_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_YourVehicleHas=Your vehicle has been impounded.
  • PU_PYROATC01_M_ATC_Inform_Arrival_Complete_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_YourVehicleIs=Your vehicle is now stored.
  • PU_PYROATC01_M_ATC_Inform_Banned_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_YouAreNot=You are not authorized to use this facility. Vacate immediately.
  • PU_PYROATC01_M_ATC_Inform_Storage_NotAvailable_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_StorageSpaceIs=Storage space is not currently available. Stand by.
  • PU_PYROATC01_M_ATC_Inform_Storage_NotPossible_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_VehicleStorageRequest=Vehicle storage request denied. Unable to accommodate vehicle type.
  • PU_PYROATC01_M_ATC_Inform_Vehicle_NotDetected_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_VehicleStorageRequest=Vehicle storage request denied. No vehicle detected.
  • PU_PYROATC01_M_ATC_Inform_Vehicle_TooBig_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_VehicleStorageRequest=Vehicle storage request denied. Vehicle too large.
  • PU_PYROATC01_M_ATC_Inform_Zone_Closed_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_ErrorVehicleStorage=Error. Vehicle storage not currently available.
  • PU_PYROATC01_M_ATC_Request_Departure_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_ExitRequestAcknowledged=Exit request acknowledged. Stand by.
  • PU_PYROATC01_M_ATC_Request_Payment_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_VehicleStorageRequest=Vehicle storage request pending. Awaiting payment.
  • PU_PYROATC01_M_ATC_Request_Storage_AlreadyGranted_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_ActiveVehicleStorage=Active vehicle storage in progress. Complete before making additional requests.
  • PU_PYROATC01_M_ATC_Request_Storage_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_VehicleStorageRequest=Vehicle storage request acknowledged. Standby.
  • PU_PYROATC01_M_ATC_Revoked_Storage_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_AssignedStorageSpace=Assigned storage space has been revoked.
  • PU_PYROATC01_M_ATC_Stored_Vehicle_DepartTimeLimit_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_YourVehicleHas=Your vehicle has been placed into storage. Use fleet manager terminal to gain access.
  • PU_PYROATC01_M_ATC_Warn_Storage_ArriveTimeLimit_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_WarningAssignedStorage=Warning. Assigned storage space will be revoked if not utilized.
  • PU_PYROATC01_M_ATC_Warn_Storage_DepartTimeLimit_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_WarningExitThe=Warning. Exit the facility or your vehicle will be placed into storage.
  • PU_PYROATC01_M_ATC_Warn_Storage_StorageTimeLimit_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_WarningRelocateYour=Warning. Relocate your vehicle immediately or it will be placed into storage.
  • PU_PYROATC01_M_ATC_Warn_Vehicle_Obstructing_aNeutral_tPlayer_FromNeutral_IG_001_WarningRelocateYour=Warning. Relocate your vehicle or it will be impounded.
  • PU_PYROCGOATC01_M_ATC_Announce_CargoTransfer_Begin_IG_001_CargoTransferInitiated=Cargo transfer initiated.
  • PU_PYROCGOATC01_M_ATC_Announce_CargoTransfer_Finish_IG_001_CargoTransferComplete=Cargo transfer complete.
  • PU_PYROCGOATC01_M_ATC_Announce_CargoTransfer_Interrupted_IG_001_ErrorCargoTransfer=Error. Cargo transfer halted. Vehicle must be aligned and loading area clear to continue.
  • PU_PYROCGOATC01_M_ATC_Announce_Deck_ArrivalSuccess_IG_001_VehicleMustBe=Vehicle must be aligned properly to begin cargo transfer.
  • PU_PYROCGOATC01_M_ATC_Call_Security_IG_001_AttentionSecurityHas=Attention. Security has been notified.
  • PU_PYROCGOATC01_M_ATC_Decline_Deck_AlreadyHave_IG_001_ActiveCargoService=Active cargo service request in progress. Complete before making additional requests.
  • PU_PYROCGOATC01_M_ATC_Decline_Deck_NoPermission_IG_001_YouAreNot=You are not authorized to use this cargo facility.
  • PU_PYROCGOATC01_M_ATC_Decline_Deck_NoValidSize_IG_001_CargoServiceRequest=Cargo service request denied. Unable to accommodate vehicle.
  • PU_PYROCGOATC01_M_ATC_Despawn_Ship_IG_001_YourVehicleIs=Your vehicle is now locked down. Standby.
  • PU_PYROCGOATC01_M_ATC_Give_Deck_Cargo_IG_001_CargoDeckAssigned=Cargo deck assigned.
  • PU_PYROCGOATC01_M_ATC_Queue_Deck_Cargo_IG_001_CargoServiceRequest=Cargo service request pending. No current space available. Standby.
  • PU_PYROCGOATC01_M_ATC_Request_Deck_Cargo_IG_001_CargoServiceRequest=Cargo service request acknowledged. Standby.
  • PU_PYROCGOATC01_M_ATC_Revoke_Deck_AlignFailed_IG_001_VehicleNotAligned=Vehicle not aligned. Assigned cargo deck has been revoked.
  • PU_PYROCGOATC01_M_ATC_Revoke_Deck_IG_001_AssignedCargoDeck=Assigned cargo deck has been revoked.
  • PU_PYROCGOATC01_M_ATC_Warn_Deck_AlignTimeLimit_IG_001_AlignVehicleOr=Align vehicle or assigned cargo deck will be revoked.
  • PU_PYROCGOATC01_M_ATC_Warn_Deck_ArrivalTimeLimit_IG_001_WarningAssignedCargo=Warning. Assigned cargo deck will be revoked if not utilized.
  • PU_PYROCGOATC01_M_ATC_Warn_Deck_Clear_IG_001_VehiclesNotTransferring=Vehicles not transferring cargo must vacate the cargo deck.
  • PU_PYROCGOATC01_M_ATC_Warn_ShipState_InvalidConfig_IG_001_AdjustingVehicleConfiguration=Adjusting vehicle configuration for cargo transfer.
  • PU_PYROCGOATC01_M_ATC_Warn_Ship_Obstructing_IG_001_WarningYourVehicle=Warning. Your vehicle is not authorized for cargo deck use. Vacate or your vehicle will be locked down.
  • PU_PYROCGOATC01_M_ATC_Warn_Ship_Obstructing_LastOccur_IG_001_WarningVacateThe=Warning. Vacate the cargo deck or your vehicle will be locked down.
  • PU_UEE_Navy_RepUI_Area=UEE
  • PU_UEE_Navy_RepUI_Description=The largest branch and public face of the UEE military. The Navy is responsible for transportation of military resources, maintaining the borders, waging security operations throughout the UEE, and are currently engaged in a war against the Vanduul.
  • PU_UEE_Navy_RepUI_Focus=Military
  • PU_UEE_Navy_RepUI_Founded=2380
  • PU_UEE_Navy_RepUI_Headquarters=MacArthur, Kilian System
  • PU_UEE_Navy_RepUI_Leadership=Lavinia Wallingford, Legatus Navium
  • PU_UEE_Navy_RepUI_Name=UEE Navy

Keys Added for pyro:

  • pyro_stationdecal_P5L2,P=GASLIGHT
  • pyro_stationdecal_P5L4,P=ROD’S FUEL ‘N SUPPLIES
  • pyro_stationdecal_P5L5,P=RAT’S NEST
  • pyro_stationdecal_P6L4,P=DUDLEY & DAUGHTERS
  • pyro_stationdecal_P6L5,P=MEGUMI REFUELING

Keys Added for Pyro3:

  • Pyro3_Outpost_col_s_mng_otlw_001=Carver’s Ridge
  • Pyro3_Outpost_col_s_mng_otlw_001_desc=This claim’s mine. Stay out unless in you’re bringing creds.
  • Pyro3_Outpost_col_s_scrp_otlw_002=Windfall
  • Pyro3_Outpost_col_s_scrp_otlw_002_desc=Come find out if your trash could be our treasure.
  • Pyro3_outpost_col_m_hmstd_indy_001=Narena’s Rest
  • Pyro3_outpost_col_m_hmstd_indy_001_desc=We’re not afraid to fight for our peace and quiet.

Keys Added for Pyro4:

  • Pyro4_Outpost_col_m_scrp_indy_001=Chawla’s Beach
  • Pyro4_Outpost_col_m_scrp_indy_001_desc=Might not be the nicest place in the ‘verse, but it ain’t that bad.
  • Pyro4_Outpost_col_s_trdpst_otlw_001=Goner’s Deal
  • Pyro4_Outpost_col_s_trdpst_otlw_001_desc=Redi 2 trade. No bidness wit skagz.

Keys Added for Pyro5a:

  • Pyro5a_Outpost_col_m_trdpst_otlw_001=Ashland
  • Pyro5a_Outpost_col_m_trdpst_otlw_001_desc=Any trade you can walk away from is a good trade.

Keys Added for Pyro5b:

  • Pyro5b_Outpost_col_m_scrp_otlw_001=Seer’s Canyon
  • Pyro5b_Outpost_col_m_scrp_otlw_001_desc=Scrap so fresh some of it’s still warm.

Keys Added for Pyro5c:

  • Pyro5c_Outpost_col_m_hmstd_indy_001=Prophet’s Peak
  • Pyro5c_Outpost_col_m_hmstd_indy_001_desc=All hail the ruler of ruin.
  • Pyro5c_Outpost_col_s_drlct_otpst_occ_001=Derelict Outpost
  • Pyro5c_Outpost_col_s_drlct_otpst_occ_001_desc=Derelict Outpost on Pyro 5c

Keys Added for Pyro6:

  • Pyro6_Outpost_col_m_frm_otlw_001=Scarper’s Turn
  • Pyro6_Outpost_col_m_frm_otlw_001_desc=No free samples. Don’t even ask.
  • Pyro6_Outpost_col_m_scrp_otlw_001=Last Landings
  • Pyro6_Outpost_col_m_scrp_otlw_001_desc=Last stop for everything.
  • Pyro6_Outpost_col_m_trdpst_indy_001=Canard View
  • Pyro6_Outpost_col_m_trdpst_indy_001_desc=Home of the famous ‘Pyro Canard!’
  • Pyro6_Outpost_col_s_frm_otlw_001=Kinder Plots
  • Pyro6_Outpost_col_s_frm_otlw_001_desc=You’re either our friend, or you’re fertilizer.
  • Pyro6_Outpost_col_s_hmstd_otlw_001=Stonetree
  • Pyro6_Outpost_col_s_hmstd_otlw_001_desc=Bedlam ain’t so bad.
  • Pyro6_Outpost_col_s_scrp_indy_001=Supply Gap
  • Pyro6_Outpost_col_s_scrp_indy_001_desc=A great place to crash.
  • Pyro6_Outpost_col_s_trdpst_indy_001=Blackrock Exchange
  • Pyro6_Outpost_col_s_trdpst_indy_001_desc=Trading for a better tomorrow.
  • Pyro6_Outpost_col_s_trdpst_otlw_001,P=Pyro6_Outpost_col_s_trdpst_otlw_001
  • Pyro6_Outpost_col_s_trdpst_otlw_001_desc,P=Pyro6_Outpost_col_s_trdpst_otlw_001_desc

Keys Added for ReturnObjective:

  • ReturnObjective_Long,P=Return to ~mission(Location)
  • ReturnObjective_Short,P=Return to ~mission(Location)

Keys Added for RN:

  • RN_resource_Coolant,P=Coolant
  • RN_resource_Fuel,P=Fuel
  • RN_resource_Gas,P=Gas
  • RN_resource_Gravity,P=Gravity
  • RN_resource_Heat,P=Heat
  • RN_resource_Power,P=Power
  • RN_resource_QuantumFuel,P=Quantum Fuel
  • RN_resource_Shield,P=Shield
  • RN_resource_WeaponAmmo,P=Ammo
  • RN_resource_WeaponRegen,P=Weapon regeneration

Keys Added for Ruto:

  • Ruto_RepUI_Area=UEE
  • Ruto_RepUI_Description=One of the best known criminal fixers in the Empire, the true identity of Ruto remains a complete mystery. Only appearing as a hologram of the former Imperator, Kelos Costigan, Ruto manages a vast network of criminal activity, connections, and knowledge for their clients.
  • Ruto_RepUI_Focus=InfoAgent
  • Ruto_RepUI_Founded=N/A
  • Ruto_RepUI_Headquarters=Grim HEX, Stanton System
  • Ruto_RepUI_Leadership=N/A
  • Ruto_RepUI_Name=Ruto

Keys Added for salvage:

  • salvage_HUD_TargetStatus_Tracking,P=Tracking Target

Keys Added for shop:

  • shop_ui_1DayRental,P=1 Day Rental
  • shop_ui_7_days,P=7 days
  • shop_ui_CommodityKiosk_InDemand_CargoHold=Ready for Trade
  • shop_ui_StartingAt,P=Starting At
  • shop_ui_buyVehicle,P=Buy Vehicle
  • shop_ui_dayRental,P=Day Rental
  • shop_ui_dayRentalPriceExplanation,P=Cost per day reduces the longer you rent the ship.
  • shop_ui_per_day,P=per day
  • shop_ui_rentVehicle,P=Rent Vehicle
  • shop_ui_transaction_confirmYourChoice,P=Confirm Your Choice
  • shop_ui_transaction_error,P=Transaction Error
  • shop_ui_vehicleSuccessMessage,P=Your vehicle will be available soon at any Fleet Manager terminal.

Keys Added for Stanton1:

  • Stanton1_DistributionCenter_Covalex_01=Covalex Distribution Centre S1DC06
  • Stanton1_DistributionCenter_Criminal_01=Dupree Industrial Manufacturing Facility
  • Stanton1_DistributionCenter_Greycat_01=Greycat Stanton I Production Complex-A
  • Stanton1_DistributionCenter_Greycat_02=Greycat Stanton I Production Complex-B
  • Stanton1_DistributionCenter_Hurston_01=HDPC-Farnesway
  • Stanton1_DistributionCenter_Hurston_02=HDPC-Cassillo

Keys Added for Stanton4:

  • Stanton4_DistributionCenter_Covalex_01=Covalex Distribution Centre S4DC05
  • Stanton4_DistributionCenter_CryAstro_01=Cry-Astro Processing Plant 34-12
  • Stanton4_DistributionCenter_CryAstro_02,P=Cry-Astro Processing Plant 19-02
  • Stanton4_DistributionCenter_SakuraSun_01=Sakura Sun Magnolia Workcenter
  • Stanton4_DistributionCenter_Sakura_01=Sakura Sun Goldenrod Workcenter
  • Stanton4_DistributionCenter_microTech_01=microTech Logistics Depot S4LD01
  • Stanton4_DistributionCenter_microTech_02=microTech Logistics Depot S4LD13

Keys Added for starmap:

  • starmap_boxout_Greeble_1,P=PROXY:B-TYPE MODE: YES
  • starmap_boxout_Greeble_2,P=AR SCAN
  • starmap_boxout_Greeble_3,P=GTP
  • starmap_boxout_Greeble_4,P=895
  • starmap_boxout_Greeble_5,P=/// SCAN COUNT:098
  • starmap_boxout_Greeble_6,P=REG ID: UEE-2846-00-A CX

Keys Added for Tecia:

  • Tecia_Twitch_Pacheco_RepUI_Area=Stanton System
  • Tecia_Twitch_Pacheco_RepUI_Description=After her military service ended, Tecia Pacheco transitioned to security work with BlacJac Security for several years until she suffered severe injuries sustained on the job. Left without employment but with a very specialized skillset, Twitch has used her knowledge of the criminal underworld of ArcCorp to operate her own illegal enterprise.
  • Tecia_Twitch_Pacheco_RepUI_Focus=Criminal Operator
  • Tecia_Twitch_Pacheco_RepUI_Founded=N/A
  • Tecia_Twitch_Pacheco_RepUI_Headquarters=Area18, ArcCorp, Stanton System
  • Tecia_Twitch_Pacheco_RepUI_Leadership=N/A
  • Tecia_Twitch_Pacheco_RepUI_Name=Tecia “Twitch” Pacheco

Keys Added for text:

  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_Gradient,P=Dye Gradient
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_accept,P=Accept
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_advanced,P=Advanced
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_allhair,P=All Hair
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_allprogess,P=All progress will be lost.
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_areyousure,P=Are you sure you wish to save this character as
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_areyousureleave,P=Are you sure you wish to leave the Character Customizer?
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_blend,P=Blend
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_blendamount,P=Blend Amount
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_color,P=Color
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_copyfrom,P=Copy From
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_darkness,P=Darkness
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_delete,P=Are you sure you want to delete
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_dyeamount,P=Dye Amount
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_dyecolor,P=Dye Color
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_dyeroots,P=Dye Roots
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_dyevariation,P=Dye Variation
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_eyebrows,P=Eyebrows
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_eyecolor,P=Eye Color
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_eyes,P=Eyes
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_facialhair,P=Facial Hair
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_finalizecharacter,P=Do you wish to finalize your character?
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_frecklesamount,P=Freckles Amount
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_frecklesopacity,P=Freckles Opacity
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_hair,P=Hair
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_hairdye,P=Hair Dye
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_header,P=Character Customizer
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_loadsave,P=Load/Save
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_lockskintone,P=Lock Skin Tone
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_makeup,P=Makeup
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_makeupmetalness,P=Makeup Metalness
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_makeupopacity,P=Makeup Opacity
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_makeupslot1,P=Cheeks
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_makeupslot2,P=Eyes
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_makeupslot3,P=Lips
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_makeupsmoothness,P=Makeup Smoothness
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_naturalcolor,P=Natural Color
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_nosaves,P=No saves available
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_overwrite,P=This will overwrite the previous character of the same name.
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_pleasesave,P=Please save your character.
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_profilename,P=Profile Name
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_question,P=?
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_randomize,P=Randomize
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_randomizeall,P=Randomize All
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_redness,P=Redness
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_redo,P=Redo
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_reset,P=Reset
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_reviewwarning,P=Please note, you will not be able to make any additional changes once you accept.
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_rootcolor,P=Root Color
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_rootdyecolor,P=Root Dye Color
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_sculpt,P=Sculpt
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_sculpthint,P=Click and drag sculp nodes
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_selectbody,P=Select Body Type
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_skin,P=Skin
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_sunspotsamount,P=Sun Spots Amount
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_sunspotsopacity,P=Sun Spots Opacity
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_texture,P=Texture
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_tipcolor,P=Tip Color
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_tipdyecolor,P=Tip Dye Color
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_title,P=Calliope Bio Reconstruction
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_undo,P=Undo
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_variation,P=Variation
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_version,P=: Version 01.05.03
  • text_ui_units_kPa,P=kPa
  • text_ui_units_milliSievert=mSv
  • text_ui_units_percent=%

Keys Added for TravelObjective:

  • TravelObjective_Long,P=Go to ~mission(Location)
  • TravelObjective_Short,P=Go to ~mission(Location)

Keys Added for Tut03:

  • Tut03_Part01_Obj01b_ToStation=Head to the Transit Platform for ~mission(SpaceportStopName)

Keys Added for ui:

  • ui_CGEVAZGT=E.V.A. – Zero-G Traversal
  • ui_CIEVADetach=Detach from Surface
  • ui_CIEVALaunch=Launch from Surface
  • ui_CIInteractionLootingToggleWeaponAttachments,P=Looting – Toggle Weapon Attachments
  • ui_CIUIChatCycleLobb=Cycle Lobby
  • ui_CIUIChatCycleLobbyDesc=Press to cycle through subscribed lobbies in chat
  • ui_MFD_View_Communications=Communications
  • ui_MFD_View_Configuration=Configuration
  • ui_MFD_View_Diagnostics=Diagnostics
  • ui_MFD_View_IFCS=IFCS
  • ui_MFD_View_Invalid=Unknown MFD View
  • ui_MFD_View_None=None
  • ui_MFD_View_Off,P=MFD Turned Off
  • ui_MFD_View_ResourceNetwork,P=Power Management
  • ui_MFD_View_Scanning=Scanning
  • ui_MFD_View_SelfStatus=Self Status
  • ui_MFD_View_TargetStatus=Target Status
  • ui_controlhint_defaultItemAction_secondaryActionViaPrompt=Interact (Secondary)
  • ui_controlhint_lootui_toggle_view=Toggle Items/Attire
  • ui_controlhint_lootui_toggle_weapon_attachments=Toggle Attachments
  • ui_controlhint_pc_choice_interaction_mode=Interact
  • ui_controlhint_pc_choice_interaction_system=Interact Mode
  • ui_error_corrupted_p4k=Error: Corrupted P4K File Detected.
  • ui_error_file_decompression=Error: Issue During File Decompression.
  • ui_error_read_data=Error: Problem Reading Data from Disk. ErrorCode:
  • ui_error_read_permission=Error: File Read Permission Denied.
  • ui_error_write_permission=Error: File Write Permission Denied.
  • ui_inventory_filter_category_name_containers,P=Containers
  • ui_inventory_filter_category_name_vehicle_parts,P=Vehicle Parts
  • ui_inventory_takeall,P=Take All
  • ui_label_align=Align
  • ui_label_strength=Strength
  • ui_looting_swap_info_pop_up,P=Not all attachments fit in swapping items.\nDo you still wish to proceed?
  • ui_weapons_multi_unauthorised_error=Unauthorised

Keys Added for vehicle:

  • vehicle_deck_Tech=Tech Deck
  • vehicle_deck_bridge=Bridge
  • vehicle_deck_cargo=Cargo Deck
  • vehicle_deck_engineering=Engineering
  • vehicle_deck_fuel=Fueling Deck
  • vehicle_deck_habitation=Habitation
  • vehicle_deck_lower=Lower Deck
  • vehicle_deck_lower_cargo=Lower Cargo Deck
  • vehicle_deck_main=Main Deck
  • vehicle_deck_sub_deck=Sub Deck
  • vehicle_deck_upper=Upper Deck
  • vehicle_deck_upper_cargo=Upper Cargo Deck
  • vehicle_gunnery_hud_ads_acquiring=Acquiring:
  • vehicle_gunnery_hud_ads_mode_fixed=FIXED
  • vehicle_gunnery_hud_ads_mode_manual=MANUAL
  • vehicle_gunnery_hud_ads_no_subtargets=waiting for subtarget scan
  • vehicle_gunnery_hud_ads_out_of_range=OUT OF RANGE
  • vehicle_gunnery_hud_ads_shoot=SHOOT!
  • vehicle_gunnery_hud_ads_subtargets_available=Sub-targets available
  • vehicle_gunnery_hud_ads_weapon_count_on_target=Weapons Ready:
  • vehicle_room_armory=Armory
  • vehicle_room_atrium=Atrium
  • vehicle_room_bar=Bar
  • vehicle_room_battle_bridge=Battle Bridge
  • vehicle_room_bomb_bay=Bomb Bay
  • vehicle_room_brig=Brig
  • vehicle_room_docking_bay=Docking Bay
  • vehicle_room_drones=Drone Depot
  • vehicle_room_drop_bay=Drop Bay
  • vehicle_room_escapepods=Escape Pods
  • vehicle_room_escaperaft=Escape Raft
  • vehicle_room_garage=Garage
  • vehicle_room_hangar=Hangar
  • vehicle_room_hottub=Hot Tub
  • vehicle_room_kitchen=Kitchen
  • vehicle_room_lounge=Lounge
  • vehicle_room_lower_cargo_bay=Lower Cargo Bay
  • vehicle_room_medical=Med Bay
  • vehicle_room_messhall=Mess Hall
  • vehicle_room_mining=Mining Station
  • vehicle_room_passenger_quarters=Passenger Quarters
  • vehicle_room_passenger_seating=Passenger Seating
  • vehicle_room_pool=Pool
  • vehicle_room_prisoner_storage=Prisoner Storage
  • vehicle_room_restaurant=Dining Hall
  • vehicle_room_salvage=Salvage Station
  • vehicle_room_sauna=Sauna
  • vehicle_room_snub_bay=Snub Bay
  • vehicle_room_spa=Spa
  • vehicle_room_sub_cargo_bay=Sub Cargo Bay
  • vehicle_room_torpedo_bay=Torpedo Bay
  • vehicle_room_tractor_control=Tractor Station
  • vehicle_room_turret=Turret Access
  • vehicle_room_xo_quarters=XO Quarters

Keys Added for WallaceKlim:

  • WallaceKlim_RepUI_Area=Stanton System
  • WallaceKlim_RepUI_Description=Formerly a chemical engineering instructor at the University of Rhetor, Wallace Klim is now one of the top producers of high-end drugs in the Stanton System. Is known to frequently partake in his own product which speaks to its quality.
  • WallaceKlim_RepUI_Focus=Drugs
  • WallaceKlim_RepUI_Founded=N/A
  • WallaceKlim_RepUI_Headquarters=Grim HEX, Stanton System
  • WallaceKlim_RepUI_Leadership=N/A
  • WallaceKlim_RepUI_Name=Wallace Klim

Keys Added for xenothreat:

  • xenothreat_defend_HH_H_desc_001=The Headhunters still haven’t learned their place in Pyro and are about to launch a full raid at ~mission(location|address). Unfortunately for them, you’re going to stop it. \n\nHead there ASAP, recruit allies if you need to, and prepare to neutralize their raiding party by any means necessary. That includes dealing with whatever reinforcements they decide to throw your way. \n\nYou have my full support.\n\nComm. Spec. Engler\n
  • xenothreat_defend_HH_H_title_001=Halt Incoming Headhunter Raid
  • xenothreat_defend_HH_M_desc_001=One of our scouts has been tracking increased Headhunter movement around ~mission(location|address) and we believe that they are prepping to launch a full attack there. \n\nWe have a small window of opportunity to neutralize their offensive, so we want you to get on site and prepare to mount a defense before the Headhunter forces arrive. \n\nWith the numbers they have in the area, there’s little chance they’ll be convinced to give up after a single attempt, so prep for reinforcements. \n\nComm. Spec. Engler\n
  • xenothreat_defend_HH_M_title_001=Halt Incoming Headhunter Attack
  • xenothreat_defend_HH_VH_desc_001=The amount of time the Headhunters waste taking us on, when they could be fighting Humanity’s real enemies is infuriating to say the least. And now, they’ve decided to launch a raid against ~mission(location|address). They can’t be allowed to succeed.\n\nGather any supplies and support you’ll need and head there before the attack starts. I’m guessing they won’t be prepared to be met with any formidable resistance, at least for the first wave of the assault. Any reinforcements they send will be better equipped, so be ready. \n\nHopefully once you put them down, they’ll finally learn their lesson. \n\nComm. Spec. Engler\n
  • xenothreat_defend_HH_VH_title_001=Halt Incoming Headhunter Incursion

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