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[Evocati Playtest] Star Citizen Alpha 3.23.0 PTU.9117019 Patch Notes

Star Citizen Alpha Patch 3.23.0 9117019-9118978

Alpha Patch 3.23.0 has been released to Evocati, and is now available to test! Patch should now show: VERSION 3.23.0-PTU.9117019-9118978.

It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER folder for the Public client after patching, particularly if you start encountering any odd character graphical issues or crash on loading. The USER folder can be found (in default installations) at C:\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizen\PTU.

Characters in this new environment will be built from LTP data so items such as medpens, ammo, rentals, and refinery jobs will be lost.
Audience: Evocati
Server Info: US Only – PU Only (AC Disabled) – Replication Layer/Recovery Enabled
Long Term Persistence: Enabled
Pledge Copy: Disabled
Starting aUEC: 15,000,000

The current build is under NDA (Talking about features and testing is allowed but no sharing of game video, screenshots, audio, files, or accounts outside of evocati)
Please log out then back in on the issue council site to see the Evocati environment there. Please make sure to only select the Evocati 3.23 environment when creating IC reports while the builds are Evocati only

Please monitor etf-testing-chat in spectrum for updates and testing instructions.
Note: This patch does not contain all of the intended features, which will be added iteratively to the notes as they become available. Additionally, some features may be implemented in a partial state and as such are not ready for testing. When those features reach a playable state they will be detailed on the notes and added to the “Testing Focus”. Please issue council all issues related to those in testing focus and in general gameplay.

Testing/Feedback Focus

Note: This build will be up for roughly 4 hours from the start of the test (pending issues)

  • Stability (Main Focus)
  • Full Character Customizer Revamp
  • EVA T2
  • New Loot Screen
  • New Visor / Lens
  • Backpack reloading
  • Ammo repooling
  • Dynamic Crosshair
  • Physical Shopping UI
  • Server Crash Recovery

Not Ready For Testing/Feedback

  • Master Modes
  • mobiGlas Rework
  • Starmap
  • Interior Map / Minimap
  • PIE / PIS and Default Item Actions
  • Freight Elevators
  • Hauling Missions
  • Reputation-based Hostility
  • And More

Known Issues

This callout will be tough. Any time an AI/Player ship that has its weapons destroyed, (Though not necessarily immediately after), can sometimes cause a server crash. Not super avoidable but try if you can. We’re going to see how this behaves!

Players will want to avoid starting at Lorville or New Babbage due to ASOP terminal issues.
There is also a client crash in this build for any player who tractor beams a corpse. You may want to avoid this!

  • PU – Stanton – Locations / Kiosk – ASOP / Fleet Manager – ASOP Terminal is unable to access list of available vehicles
  • PU – Graphics – Choosing ” Vulkan ” as a graphics renderer and relaunching the game will cause the game to either be a static black screen or crash
  • PU – Actor – EVA / Melee Combat – While in EVA there is no option to enter Unarmed Combat mode
  • PU – Stanton – Locations – Graphics / Planet Tech – Underwater Wobble effect is present on the exterior of Lorville
  • PU – Stanton – Multiple Locations – AI – AI are spawning together in group and they can be slow to leave their spawn points
  • PU – Stanton – Locations – Multiple Locations – Transit – Elevators – Hab elevators can infrequently fail to spawn
  • PU – RL – Service Beacons / Missions – Service beacons cannot be created
  • PU – Stanton – Mission Content / UI – Mission markers are not shown to the player
  • PU – Stanton – Lorville – Female / AI – Females – There are no female social AI present around Lorville
  • PU – Interactions / UI – Panels become unresponsive, after highlighting interactables
  • PU – UI – NikNax / VLM – Liveries – All Liveries are missing volume information in NikNax and Vehicle Loadout Manager
  • PU – Performance – Inconsistent frametimes / stuttering during high concurrency due to DatabaseUnloading
  • RSI Constellation ALL Variations – PU – Vehicles / Interactions – Interaction prompt missing for pilot and co-pilot seats
  • Front end – UI / Locations – Inventory – Entitlement – Primary Residence location can be missing from the front end

Features and Gameplay


  • Character Customizer Polish and Bugfix Pass


  • EVA T2 Movement and Animation Polish Pass

Ships and Vehicles

  • Internal Storage Inclusion Pass

Added internal storage to the following ships: Drake Vulture, Drake Caterpillar, Origin 400i, Banu Defender, Crusader C2 Hercules Starlifter, Anvil Carrack, Nomad, Anvil Terrapin, AEGIS Reclaimer, Drake Cutter, Aegis Avenger Titan, and Anvil Ballista.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed – Anvil Hornet Mk 2 spawn as barebone hull without landing gear or seat or internal
  • Fixed – Spirit C1 Missing Nose Remote Turret


  • Fixed 7 Client Crashes
  • Fixed 6 Server Crashes

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