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[Wave 2 Playtest] Static Server Meshing Tech-Preview Playtest Round 3

Hello Wave 2 testers!

Tonight and throughout the weekend we are running a 3rd round of Tech-Preview Playtests for Static Server meshing!

This third build will consist of only the Stanton system but will will be using this weekend to test different configurations of Static Server meshing to run multiple parts of the PU.

PYRO will appear on the drop down for locations but make sure to select Stanton as Pyro will not function

Playtest Instructions

Audience: Up to Wave 2 (No NDA)
When: Friday and throughout the weekend (Pending any major build issues)
Features: Static Server Meshing (Stanton Only – Starting at 2 DGS – 200 Players), RL Split, Server Crash Recovery
Focus: General Performance & Stability
Where: TECH-PREVIEW Channel
Build: 3.22-9120832 (US Servers Only)
Starting Player Cap: 200 (2xDGS) Will increase during playtest times below
We will have a dedicated issue council environment open for reporting issues

Focused Player Count Playtests

We will be running a couple of focused 2 hour playtests this weekend to increase the number of DGS per Mesh and higher player counts. Play as normal during these tests.

  • Saturday – DGS Per Mesh Increase Playtest: 2-4 PM CDT | 1900-2100 UTC
  • Sunday – DGS Per Mesh Increase Playtest: 2-4 PM CDT | 1900-2100 UTC

Known Issues

  • You will occasionally drop out of QT mid-travel, you will need to re-set your destination and begin QT again to continue.
  • You may be unable to exit the hospital bed on respawn after death, to workaround this you will need to exit to menu and rejoin. This can also happen when being moved to/from the Klescher Rehabilitation Facility.
  • Missions, especially those over longer distances, may suddenly get abandoned.
  • While server crash recovery is enabled not all gameplay systems will recover gracefully, please let us know where/if you see issues.
  • You may lose the ability to use the 3rd person camera, exiting and entering the pilot seat will workaround this.
  • If two players are in different areas they might not show up in each other’s commlink
  • Missions might not get logged depending on where you are

Thank you all so much for testing these huge Meshing milestones along with us!


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