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Star Citizen Alpha

Star Citizen Alpha 3.24.1-PTU.9315193 Patch Notes

Star Citizen Alpha Patch 3.24.1 Alpha Patch 3.24.1 has been released to PTU, and is now available to test! Patch should now show: VERSION 3.24.1-PTU.9315193. Audience: All BackersServer Info: PTU Channel – US/EULong Term Persistence: EnabledReplication Layer: EnabledServer Recovery: EnabledStarting aUEC: 15,000,000Starting REC: 10,000,000 Characters… Read More »Star Citizen Alpha 3.24.1-PTU.9315193 Patch Notes

Star Citizen Alpha 3.24.0 LIVE 9296942-9301716 HOTFIX

Star Citizen Alpha Patch 3.24.0 Hotfix Alpha Patch 3.24.0 has been released onto the LIVE servers, and is now available to test! Patch should now show: VERSION 3.24.0-LIVE.9296942. Long Term Persistence: EnabledReplication Layer: EnabledServer Recovery: Enabled Bug Fixes Technical

This Week in Star Citizen 32/2024

Buon lunedì a tutti! La scorsa settimana abbiamo concluso il Foundation Festival, una vivace celebrazione dello straordinario spirito di squadra all’interno della comunità di Star Citizen. Come parte dei festeggiamenti, abbiamo curato un Org Showcase per mettere in evidenza le organizzazioni che stanno attivamente cercando… Read More »This Week in Star Citizen 32/2024

Star Citizen | Mirai Pulse

Questa pagina sarà costantemente aggiornata! MIRAI THE FUTURE OF PERFORMANCE Il tuo ingiusto vantaggio arriva il 24 maggio 2024! Manufacturer Mirai Il team di progettazione Mirai si dedica ad abbinare l’artigianato della casa madre MISC con la tecnologia Xi’an e l’estetica tradizionale Saisei per creare… Read More »Star Citizen | Mirai Pulse

[Evocati EPTU] Star Citizen Alpha 3.23.0 EPTU.9128215-9129117 Patch Notes

Star Citizen Alpha Patch 3.23.0 Alpha Patch 3.23.0 has been released to Evocati, and is now available to test!   Patch should now show: VERSION 3.23.0-EPTU.9128215-9129117. It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER folder for the Public client after patching, particularly if you start… Read More »[Evocati EPTU] Star Citizen Alpha 3.23.0 EPTU.9128215-9129117 Patch Notes

[Evocati Playtest] Star Citizen Alpha 3.23.0 EPTU.9125941 Patch Notes

Star Citizen Alpha Patch 3.23.0 Alpha Patch 3.23.0 has been released to Evocati, and is now available to test!   Patch should now show: VERSION 3.23.0-EPTU.9125941-9126995. It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER folder for the Public client after patching, particularly if you start… Read More »[Evocati Playtest] Star Citizen Alpha 3.23.0 EPTU.9125941 Patch Notes

[Evocati Playtest] Star Citizen Alpha 3.23.0 PTU.9117019 Patch Notes

Star Citizen Alpha Patch 3.23.0 9117019-9118978 Alpha Patch 3.23.0 has been released to Evocati, and is now available to test! Patch should now show: VERSION 3.23.0-PTU.9117019-9118978. It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER folder for the Public client after patching, particularly if you start… Read More »[Evocati Playtest] Star Citizen Alpha 3.23.0 PTU.9117019 Patch Notes

[Evocati] Star Citizen Alpha 3.23.0 PTU.9089017-9093066 Stability Playtest

Star Citizen Patch 3.23.0 Stability Playtest – ENDED Alpha Patch 3.23.0 has been released to Evocati, and is now available to test! Patch should now show: VERSION 3.23.0-PTU.9089017-9093066. It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER folder for the Public client after patching, particularly… Read More »[Evocati] Star Citizen Alpha 3.23.0 PTU.9089017-9093066 Stability Playtest

Star Citizen Alpha 3.22.1 EPTU.9045386 Patch Notes

Star Citizen Patch 3.22.1 Recommendations Important Information Issue Council and Testing Patch Details Testing Focus Known Issues Feature Updates Gameplay Bug Fixes Technical Arena Commander 3.22.1 Patch Notes AC Game Mode Updates AC Ship Updates AC System & Balance AC General Updates

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Star Citizen | Free Fly Novembre 2023 – Intergalactic Aerospace Expo 2953

Unisciti a noi a New Babbage per l’Intergalactic Aerospace Expo 2953, la più grande esposizione di navi dell’universo. In onore del principale evento aerospaziale della galassia, Star Citizen sarà GRATUITO dal 17 al 30 novembre. Vieni all’expo per questo e molto altro: ECCO COME FUNZIONA… Read More »Star Citizen | Free Fly Novembre 2023 – Intergalactic Aerospace Expo 2953

Star Citizen | Alpha 3.21 8728532 Data Mining

In questo post indichiamo tutte le informazioni recuperate dai file di Star Citizen delle Patch 3.21.0. dalla 8728532 Data Heist DataHeist_ServerName_001,P=S-594DataHeist_ServerName_002,P=S-667DataHeist_ServerName_003,P=S-317DataHeist_ServerName_004,P=S-694DataHeist_ServerName_005,P=S-817DataHeist_ServerName_006,P=S-156DataHeist_ServerName_007,P=S-756DataHeist_ServerName_008,P=S-944DataHeist_ServerName_009,P=S-445DataHeist_ServerRackName_001,P=SR-ADataHeist_ServerRackName_002,P=SR-BDataHeist_ServerRackName_003,P=SR-CDataHeist_ServerRackName_004,P=SR-DDataHeist_ServerRackName_005,P=SR-EDataHeist_SvR_Cooling_Disable,P=DisableDataHeist_SvR_Cooling_Disabled,P=Cooling DisabledDataHeist_SvR_Cooling_Enable,P=EnableDataHeist_SvR_Cooling_Enabled,P=Cooling EnabledDataHeist_SvR_Cooling_Status_Off,P=Cooling Status: OffDataHeist_SvR_Cooling_Status_On,P=Cooling Status: OnDataHeist_SvR_DataTransfer,P=Data TransferDataHeist_SvR_Temperature,P=TemperatureDataHeist_SvR_Terminal_TopInfo,P=Server Cluster Systems PU_DATAHEISTSV01_F_AttentionServerOffline=Attention. Server Offline.PU_DATAHEISTSV01_F_WarningServerOverheating=Warning. Server Overheating. Attention RequiredPU_DATAHEISTSV01_F_WarningServerTemperature=Warning. Server Temperature Critical. Data Loss Imminent.PU_DATAHEISTSV01_M_WarningSecurityBreach=Warning. Security Breach.… Read More »Star Citizen | Alpha 3.21 8728532 Data Mining

Star Citizen Alpha 3.20.0a LIVE.8717119-8719336 Client/Server Hotfix

A hotfix for Alpha Patch 3.20.0b has been released and is now available on the LIVE environment! Patch should now show: VERSION 3.20.0-LIVE.8717119 with hotfixed servers showing 8717119-8717336. It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER and Shader folders for the Public client after… Read More »Star Citizen Alpha 3.20.0a LIVE.8717119-8719336 Client/Server Hotfix

Star Citizen | Roadmap Roundup – Settembre 20, 2023

Buon mercoledì a tutti! Ogni due settimane, accompagniamo l’aggiornamento della Roadmap con una breve nota esplicativa per darti un’idea del processo decisionale che ha portato a eventuali modifiche. Questo fa parte di uno sforzo per rendere le nostre comunicazioni più trasparenti, più specifiche e più perspicaci per… Read More »Star Citizen | Roadmap Roundup – Settembre 20, 2023

Star Citizen | MISC Fury LX

Questa pagina verrà costantemente aggiornata! Manufacturer Mirai Il team di progettazione Mirai si dedica ad abbinare l’artigianato della casa madre MISC con la tecnologia Xi’an e l’estetica tradizionale Saisei per creare la prossima generazione di veicoli all’avanguardia. MISC Fury LX Caratterizzata da una manovrabilità di… Read More »Star Citizen | MISC Fury LX

Star Citizen | Alpha 3.20 8686278 Data Mining

In questo post indichiamo tutte le informazioni recuperate dai file di Star Citizen delle Patch 3.20.0. dalla 8686278 Dynamic Event DynamicEvent_FleetWeek2022_TransferTerminal_keypadtitle=Disable Upload Hacking F_Ind_FullyCharged,P=Fully ChargedF_Ind_HackingFluff,P=namespace Hacking\n{\n //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n bool CHackingAbilityLineShift::CanActivate()\n {\n const CHackingGameboard& gameboard = m_hackingSession.GetGameboard();\n if (m_owner.GetSpareNodeId() == INVALID_NODE_ID || gameboard.IsNodeRotating(m_owner.GetSpareNodeId()) || !gameboard.CanShiftLine(m_targetLine, m_shiftDir, m_params.chargeUpTime))\n… Read More »Star Citizen | Alpha 3.20 8686278 Data Mining

Star Citizen | Alpha 3.20 8671107 Data Mining

In questo post indichiamo tutte le informazioni recuperate dai file di Star Citizen delle Patch 3.20.0. dalla 8671107 Mining @hud_mining_modifier_cluster_factor=Cluster Factor (~ItemModifierMethod(value)%) Destroy Evidence Mission DestroyEvidence_MissionFail_LostEvidence=The evidence was not destroyed.DestroyEvidence_MissionSuccess=The evidence was destroyed.DestroyEvidence_desc=~mission(Contractor|DestroyEvidenceDescription)DestroyEvidence_from=~mission(Contractor|DestroyEvidenceFrom)DestroyEvidence_obj_long_01=Destroy evidence that is currently stored at ~mission(location|address).DestroyEvidence_obj_marker_01=Destroy EvidenceDestroyEvidence_obj_short_01=Destroy EvidenceDestroyEvidence_title=~mission(Contractor|DestroyEvidenceTitle) Surnames Human_Surnames_5104=Maltby Items… Read More »Star Citizen | Alpha 3.20 8671107 Data Mining

Star Citizen | RSI Lynx Rover – WIP

RSI ha progettato il Lynx Rover per essere un veicolo in grado di esplorare un’ampia varietà di terreni, pur offrendo un’esperienza di guida di alto livello finemente sintonizzata.

Star Citizen | Mirai Fury – WIP

Manufacturer Mirai Il team di progettazione Mirai si dedica ad abbinare l’artigianato della casa madre MISC con la tecnologia Xi’an e l’estetica tradizionale Saisei per creare la prossima generazione di veicoli all’avanguardia. MISC Fury Dotato della migliore manovrabilità della categoria e della tecnologia Xi’an all’avanguardia… Read More »Star Citizen | Mirai Fury – WIP

Star Citizen | RSI Lynx

RSI ha progettato il Lynx Rover per essere un veicolo in grado di esplorare un’ampia varietà di terreni, pur offrendo un’esperienza di guida di alto livello finemente sintonizzata. Status: Fly ReadyManufacturer: RSIFocus: Exploration ROLE: TransporterCAREER: GroundSIZE: S3CREW SIZE: 2INVENTORY CAPACITY: Missing! BODY: 11 000 hpTOTAL: 20 900 hpDIMENSIONS: 5.7 x 7.75 x 3.5 mMASS:… Read More »Star Citizen | RSI Lynx

Star Citizen | Alpha 3.19 8474365 Data Mining

In questo post indichiamo tutte le informazioni recuperate dai file di Star Citizen delle Patch 3.19.0. dalla 8474365 Paints item_DescAvenger_Paint_Fleetweek_Black_Chrome=The Ironweave livery gives the Avenger a black hull with chrome highlights.item_DescAvenger_Paint_Fleetweek_Grey_Beige_Tigerstripe=Give the Avenger an utterly unique look with the Shroud livery, featuring a light grey… Read More »Star Citizen | Alpha 3.19 8474365 Data Mining

Star Citizen | Tumbril Storm

Questa pagina sarà costantemente aggiornata! Il Tumbril Storm arriva il 25 maggio 2023! Tumbril Storm Originariamente introdotto nel 2606 durante la Seconda Guerra Tevarin, il mini-carro singolo operatore Tumbril Storm fu costruito per blitz sui campi di battaglia ed eliminare l’artiglieria nemica. Reimmaginato da zero… Read More »Star Citizen | Tumbril Storm

Star Citizen | Alpha 3.19 8467657 Data Mining

In questo post indichiamo tutte le informazioni recuperate dai file di Star Citizen delle Patch 3.19.0. dalla 8458571 alla 8467657 Invictus Invictus_Dates_2023=May 19th – May 26thInvictus_Expo=Bevic Center, Area18, ArcCorpInvictus_Expo_Location=Bevic Center, Area18, ArcCorp Tutorial Tut02_Hint06_Helmet=To survive in the vacuum of space and other harsh environments, be… Read More »Star Citizen | Alpha 3.19 8467657 Data Mining